
Saturday, August 24, 2013

Timing ~ 1

So much to do
So little time
But wait!
Time is always there!
Seconds to minutes and.....
A minute is always a minute
An hour only an hour
It’s everything I plan to do in
seconds and minutes, 
hours and days
to create the life I want.
So I’ll breathe a bit,
sit still a while,
just slow the pace today.

“Time deals gently only with those who take it gently.”
~ Antole France, The Crime of Sylvestre Bonnard


slipping through time
opening like a flower
like sun and moon 
moving through the sky
drifts of cloud piling high
or stretching thin in the wind.
nature’s transitions around and above us.
within these universal transitions,
we each bring our own changes
heart imbuing them with colour, light or darkness
mind designing structure and shape
body creating form and reality.

“The only thing which was to heal is the illusion of being separate.”
~ Wilfried Fink

Friday, August 23, 2013

Letting Go

In transition ~ whether forward or back
letting go - a skill we frequently lack

thinking not of this part of change
steps are taken that seem quite strange!

letting go of things we’ve had
peaceful life or chaos so very sad.

adjusting to bumps along the way 
habits grounding every day.

So bit by bit, things leave our grasp
Opportunities arise that we can clasp.

“Open your arms to change, but don’t let to of your values.”
~ Dalai Lama

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Renewal ~ 1

“There is nothing new any more.”
“It’s all been done before.”
Swept away by time

Forgotten in drifts of hidden memory
Renewed by youth’s creativity
as they transition into an adult work world

Young adults birthing ‘new’ ideas, 
just as children, new to the world.
But there is no new thing ~ 
Only the skill and adaptation of youth.

“It is not once nor twice but time without number that 
the same ideas make their appearance in the world.”
~ Aristotle

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Look Up - Way Up!

Follow through transitions us through to our goals
Follow through may be hard
~ means keeping your eye on the goal while living ordinary daily life of individual, personal routines ~
flexible, rigid or somewhere in between.

But transition isn’t just in the mind
Mind-thoughts are very linear
goal oriented but
leave out details that sparkle and shine
‘Just the facts, please.’
translates to ‘Things only, please’

Spirit-thoughts let follow through flow.
Clear goals need clear vision
Envision the goal ~ 
what colour do you want the sky
how warm the breeze
should there be laughter and joy awaiting

When living just every day
what colour is the sky
how warm is the breeze
does laughter and joy hold a place each day

Follow through is transitioning
accepting the hard tasks of life
appreciating what is present
and just keepin’ on keepin’ on.

And when, along the way,
people, places or things are found
to match the goal ~ whatever the goal ~
gather them into your vision for the journey.

“The vision must be followed by the venture. It is not enough 
to stare up the steps - we must stipe up the stairs.”
~ Vance Havner

Monday, August 19, 2013

Listening to Voices

Shame - an inside job
A very personal and individual inside job.
Shame - an inside voice
Sternly driving and energizing 
poverty of self-esteem
Transition from shame to healthy self-esteem
a steep climb up a rocky cliff
never sure of footing
loose pebbles beneath
unfamiliar terrain
handholds and footholds
roots of trees and dry grasses
threatening to trip, break bones and spirit
Easier to stay at the bottom of the trail
in familiar but ugly terrain
unwilling to see that there are steps up and out
unaware of beauty and growth along the way
space and air at the rise of each summit.
Courage in each faltering step
also an inside job,
with a quiet voice of strength.

“Always continue the climb. It is possible for you to do whatever
you choose, if you first get to know who you are and are willing
to work with a power that is greater than ourselves to do it.”
~ Ella Wheeler Wilcox

Spaces and Places

Spaces and places
Spots and slots
We each fit somewhere
in houses - or not!
Homes are our castles
where hearts live inside
But we set out conditions
for who should reside.
Babies are crying,
children make noise.
Teenagers disrespect while
adults just work and their
elders need care.
So we are sorted and separated
with disdain and dislike,
when transitions through life
could enjoy and instruct and help all out alike
giving homes many hearts
whether castles or not.

“I know there is strength in the differences between us. 
I know there is comfort, where we overlap.”
~ Ani DiFranco

Sunday, August 18, 2013

There and Back

A tough transition from hope to despair and back again
when illness strikes one down
Not down enough to call it quits
just down enough to cry.
to cry inside about one’s loss
unfair as it may be and yet 
proceed through days 
as though there were
no problems with too great a fee.

“Disenchantment, whether it is a minor disappointment or a major shock,
is the signal that things are moving into transition in our lives.”
~ William Bridges