
Saturday, July 2, 2022

It Was Only Temporary

Higher than flowers and trees

Higher than roof tops and steeples

Clouds thundered across the skies

Clouds rolled and let go of their cargo

Flowers and trees welcomed the sun

Roof tops and steeples shone in its warmth

Higher than flowers and trees

Higher than roof tops and steeples

Rain clouds muttered and vanished

White puffed clouds decorated the blue

“The storm starts, when the drops start dropping

When the drops stop dropping then the storm starts stopping.”

~ Dr. Seuss


Friday, July 1, 2022

Bright Shadows - HUMILITY - Theme for July 2022

Higher than …….

Under the bridge…….

Mother Nature just is……

Integrity, like a…..

Larger than life……

Intuition lives……

Temptation ~ …….


“On the highest throne in the world, we still sit only on our own bottom.”

~ Michel de Montaigne, The Complete Essays

** Theme for the month of July ~ Humility

Thursday, June 30, 2022

The Stuff of My Life

Today I received the keys to 

the doors of my new home. 

Cupboards and closets empty, 

soon to be filled with 

the stuff of my life.

Tonight I am filled with gratitude! 

Grateful for safety that keys bring

when others have no keys or doors.

Tonight I am filled with humility.

Humbled by the magnitude of 

what has just been accomplished.

Tonight I am filled with joy.

Joyful for family and friends who

have stood by me while I stepped off this precipice.

“Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all other.”

~ Marcus Tullius Cicero


Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Chapter Two, Episode Ninety-One ~ An Impasse ~ Situationally Theirs

An Impasse

“What is it you need to know, Em? I don’t have much time to talk.” Jeremy, almost ready to leave for the hospital, patted his pockets for keys, his readers..... he almost missed Emelina’s phone call. “I’m putting you on speaker phone……I have to get my lunch from the fridge and I’m late already. My pager ~ that’s what I’m forgetting.” All Emelina heard was dead space, then the opening and closing of the refrigerator door. A distant muttering…. “there it is” Silence again then “Now. What were you saying? Something about Michael and the jogging track?…….I really do have to get moving Em……. No I’m not off next week. Chris ~ you know, Dr. Brown ~ has Covid. Everyone’s schedules have been turned upside down…….I’m off, Em. Love you! I’ll call you ~ or maybe text you ~ later. ….. Kisses.”


Frustrated and disappointed, Em just stared at her phone. She had promised Dez she’d tell her more about the so-called history of the jogging track. Knowing her sister, she wouldn’t be upset.

“Em! Did you talk to Jeremy last night like you said? He’ll be out here next week, right?….What. You didn’t get to talk with him?” Her sister was quiet. “No, I called him this morning and just listened to the racket he was making. He was racing off to work. He won’t be out next week. All their schedules have been changed because one of the main doctors is off with Covid.”

Emelina was right. Her sister was barely fazed. “Not a problem, Em. That gives us more time to……..:” Annoyed, she cut Dez off mid-sentence. “Time for what? Walking about the track again? Seeing what ‘clues’ Michael might have left? For who?” The more she talked the angrier she got. She felt like she was in the middle of something that she hadn’t asked for. It had just been about what Dez had shown her. The balance sheet for the orchard and apiary looked like they were going broke. That took her to Digby and then to Mr. Jordan. All of a sudden, she was listening to Michael’s will again, and for the first time. “Let’s just leave it alone Dez. Let the ten years run out and let Samuel take over that land.”

Dez felt her stomach tighten. Everything had been going so well for over two years. She was starting to feel like she had a family again. She’d given up her apartment for Martha’s duplex on the Estate. She had no more control out here than she had sharing their bedroom when they were teens. She had no savings to speak of, no real job and her sister was paying her rent. If she couldn’t make the orchard and apiary pay, those would be lost to her too. Her mood had sunk to match her sister’s mood. She was crazy to think about a Walking Writing workshop, “I’m sorry, Em. I guess I just got too excited. I’m going into town ~ I’ve got an interview for a part-time job this afternoon.”

“Dez, let me just live with all this for a while. I just don’t know what we’ll be able to do and I do want the two of us to work together on it. I don’t want our old teenage rivalries to interfere. After all, I think we’ve both come a long way. This last two years especially.”

Dez had turned to leave. Stopped and turned back to face her sister. “You’re right, Em. We need to get past this. Work it out. Take some space.” She could feel her mood lifting. “I will go to that job interview. You need to take whatever time you need. This is your property………” She held up her hand. “No, Em. It is. We can work together with ideas. My work is to earn some money and pay my way. I won’t be a drag on your life.”

“And I won’t be the bossy big sister I was so long ago.”


“Of two sisters one is always the watcher, one the dancer.”

~ Louise Gluck

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Just Because ~ 1

To follow 

the walking path 

past the lake

To rest 

on the dedicated bench

to look out on the lake


To take a walk

through leafy shade

past rabbits and squirrels

To take a detour

from here to there

just because I felt like it……

“But the beauty is in the walking — we are betrayed by destinations.”

~ Gwyn Thomas


Monday, June 27, 2022

A Simple Task

It was a simple task. Just go down to SaskPower and talk to a real person about my upcoming move. A windy day with beautiful sunshine, I took the bus partway and then strolled the few blocks to……..a construction zone! Regina’s beautiful power building seemed under attack but in reality is being ‘reconstructed’. An insistent jack hammer assailed my senses! Men and women poured cement, smoothed cement and despite swirling dust, none of them had safety masks on. Hesitating, I scanned for an entrance to the offices. Just past the noise and the dust, office workers filed into a tunnel of plywood on their return from lunch, showing me the way. 

I did manage to talk to a real person, but after talking to the security guard who directed me to a little telephone on a little table ~ already in use. Construction noise muted, I passed the time watching a still steady stream of office workers slide their employee badges past the turnstile sensors and disappear into one of four elevators. Ten minutes later, I spoke to that real person and in moments my simple task was accomplished.

“Simple can be 
harder than complex.”  
~ Steve Jobs

Sunday, June 26, 2022

A Cat Tale ~ Emotional Exhaustion

I just couldn’t take it anymore. More boxes dragged across my kitchen floor, my favourite floor mat rolled up and put away……..everyday it’s something. Now, I’m a patient cat. My human has told me that more than once. But there are days, and this is one of them, that I just decide to give up. I’ve climbed all over the boxes because I’m just curious. Curious about what might be hiding in there ~ nothing I could sniff out, see or hear. So today, I just stretched myself out in the sun, closed my eyes, and went to sleep. 

“Cats are a mysterious kind of folk.”

~ Sir Walter Scott