
Saturday, April 29, 2023

Sweetness and a Mystery

An Oreo cookie confection at
Elle's Cafe ~ 2811 13th Ave, Regina

Sunshine and errands ~
a matched pair for getting things done.

At days end, it’s time

for an Oreo confection

with a latte, a Louise Penny

mystery, and her Inspector Gamache.

“Just living is not enough…One must have 

sunshine, freedom, and a little flower.

~ Hans Christian Andersen

**A book review in a couple of weeks…….

Friday, April 28, 2023

A New Day

Snow melted away in sunshine strong ~ dust and debris of winter still clings to sidewalks and streets, puffed up clouds ride high while

hot metallic low slung cars, released from winter hideaways, slither between service vans and sedans, sun glints off their brightness 

buses, sidewalks and streets 

fill with springtime throngs ~

down-filled coats, toques, gloves and parkas traded in for shirt sleeves and light jeans.

“With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts.”

~ Eleanor Roosevelt


Thursday, April 27, 2023

It's On the Way


Rain clouds in great grey puffs

   lowered over head ~

a tease for greening spring and summer.

“In those days, though, the spring always came finally 

but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.”

~ Ernest Hemingway, A Moveable Feast

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Chapter Two, Episode 133 - Thrilling to Music - Situationally Theirs

Thrilling to Music

Ben was quiet on their walk home. At 12, just about 13, he felt nervous more often than not. Even with his mother. She had always been the person that he could go to with anything. Even around his sister Abby. She wasn’t his baby sister anymore. He didn’t even know where his dad was. When he was just a kid, he was the man of the house. When his father left to take the job that had stolen him from the family, he told Ben that he was ‘the man of the house’. Ben took him seriously and tried his best. Now, he just felt alone. Listening to his mother and grandmother talking, he felt even more left out. He walked on ahead of them until his mother called out. “Come, give your Grandma a hug. She’s going home now to make supper for Grandpa James.” He just stopped on the path, his shoulders sagged. He sighed and turned around. Slowly, he walked to his Grandmother, gave her a short hug and turned back towards home.


At school the next day, he and Jimmy leaned against their lockers before class talking. Jimmy had a girlfriend, sort of. Ben didn’t know if he wanted a girlfriend. “Already too many females at the Estate.” He liked big words and it felt funny saying women, cause Abby was really the only girl. “What do you think of music?” Jimmy just shrugged. “It’s all right, but I told my mom and dad I don’t want to take piano lessons anymore. They’re boring.” That didn’t help Ben’s mood. He was hoping that his buddy would say he loved it or something. “Well, I’m going to maybe take guitar lessons. Maybe.” He felt weird saying it out loud after Jimmy said it was boring. The bell rang and they went into their computer class. That was something they could agree on. At least computers were interesting. His mom was always glad she didn’t have to teach a computer class. He looked at the watch that his father had given him. Pretty old fashioned, but it had been his dad’s. Maybe he’d come back for it some day. 

When class was done, he picked up his books and left the room before Jimmy could start talking to him again. He threw his backpack and books into his locker on the way to the music room. Up the stairs to the second floor, he was to meet his mother so they could talk to the music teacher, Mr. Reynolds. Taking the stairs two at a time, he could hear the music from the High School Jazz band practice winding up. A little thrill of excitement went through him. Even if the guitar thing didn’t work out, he’d find some other instrument to play. Join the band, if they had a junior one. He wouldn’t be in high school for at least another year. If it cost very much, he’d see if he could work for Samuel in the garden after school. He could hear his mother now. “You’ll have to keep your grades up, Ben.” There she was, waiting outside the music room door. She looked tired. He’d always paid attention to that, so he could help her out. He knew that it was hard for her.


Teenagers of all ages, poured out of the classroom, chattering about the next event that they would be playing at. “Finally! We get to go out of town.” “Yeah, but we still have to be careful. Testing for Covid, wearing masks and the old usual stuff” “But at least we’ll be out of here! See you tomorrow.” “Call me when you get home.”  As their noise followed them down the hall, the building almost seemed empty. “We can go in now, Ben. Mr. Reynolds is expecting us.” His mother had to give him a little push. Once in the door, he just stood and looked at all the shining trumpets and horns, the beautiful grand piano, the red drum set………he took a step forward and gently caressed the ones nearest. Then there it was. Propped up in its rack. A guitar, and then another one. “Mom. Do you really think I can do this?” He was grinning from ear to ear. “He looks pretty excited Joanie. Did you know he had an interest in music?” Mr. Reynolds and Joanie had stood back, watching Ben and the reverence he had, especially for the guitars. As soon as he saw them, he wanted to pick one up, but looked back at Mr. Reynolds fearing he shouldn’t be touching them. Like a little kid in a room full of china. “No, I didn’t so never encouraged him, but it seems he’s found almost a passion.” Mr. Reynolds nodded at Ben and told him he could pick up the guitar. He was pleased to see that Ben held it correctly without instruction. “I’ve also had a call from Mrs. Crawford at the Beaufort Estate offering to give Ben a guitar. It had belonged to her first husband, Michael Beaufort.” Mr. Reynolds clapped his hands. “Michael and his guitar! I remember them, and if it’s the guitar his father had given him. He was one of my best students. Ben’s a very lucky boy.” Ben’s ears perked up when he heard his mother saying she’d heard from Miss Emelina. “Then it’s okay mom?! I was going to tell you but wanted to talk with Mr. Reynold’s first.” He turned to the music teacher. “You taught Mr. Michael! Wow!”  It was all turning out better than he ever dreamed. “It just so happens that my Junior band has just had a member drop out and I need to fill that space. It’s a school project so there will be no extra cost to you. But are you willing to keep your grades up? Because that is a must do. If you really want to play music in a serious way, your grades must be excellent. Not perfect, but kept up.” Ben’s grin had not left his face. “Yes sir! As soon as I picked up that guitar today, I knew I’d do anything to learn more.”

Ben and Joanie went home that evening. Joanie called Miss Emelina and let her know that they would be by later that evening to pick up the guitar. Ben almost grabbed the phone from his mother. “Thank you, thank you, Miss Emelina.” Blushing he handed the phone back to his mother. Laughing, she said her good byes and they drove home, Ben still in a dream world.

“Music touches us emotionally, where words alone can’t.”

~ Johnny Depp

Tuesday, April 25, 2023


Evening Writer's Circle
Welcome, check in, 


Heads down to computer screens or note pads, 

words and ideas floating and swirling from busy minds to fingertips. 

only the tap of computer keys punctuated the silence……………………..


heads snapped up!!……..

What’s that noise?!!!

It’s the fire alarm!!!!…..

Should we leave?!!……

computers, paper, pens disappeared into backpacks and cases,

jackets thrown on, we were led outside by our fearless leader, 

Writer in Residence Pam Bustin, to gather across the street.  


Sirens blared from two directions, 

Regina Fire Department was on the scene in minutes, 

from 3 or 4  firetrucks, heavily coated firemen strode into the building…..

.......still no smoke. 

Police on the scene spoke with those of us evacuated about our reasons for being in the library.

Shivering in the cold evening wind, rampant speculation spread about whether there was real fire, wanting someone to tell us what to do next, learning that indeed there had been a fire set in building, pointing up to the second floor. I’m sure details will be in the news at some point. Some of our group had already left for the evening. Just as the last of us were about to call it quits, Pam told us that we were released while the firemen were completed their inspection of the building. In agreement in the cold, we dispersed to home and hearth.


What was I writing on? A project about epilepsy management! The alarm had been right over my head! Thankfully, seizure activity for me has been stable for over 20 years but had it not, it could have been much worse. Has given me pause to think about where alarms are in buildings!

“A jolt activates the mind like nothing else.”

~ Haresh Sippy, author

Monday, April 24, 2023

To Be or Not

Is there any purpose? 

Should any of us be here? 

Does any of it matter? 

Seeking purpose, the answer is seldom in my mailbox or in a phone call, so

I am offered two choices:  

throw a fine pity party or

wiggle my toes in the sand 

gaze at the vast, blue sky, 

say goodnight to the stars in the sky, 

dance on the ground beneath my feet

and share in this great community

witnessing it all while I 

live, love and have fun

leaning into life as it is and as it becomes

accepting cloudy days and the blossoms of spring 

most of all to cherish family and friends.

“Yes, I know: the thread you have to keep finding, over again, 

to follow it back to life; I know. Impossible, sometimes.”

~ Jean Valentine, Door in the Mountain: 

New and Collected Poems 1965-2003


Sunday, April 23, 2023

Butterflies, Bees and a Birthday

Butterflies and bees came a-partying for

a charming, sweet girl ~ One Year Old today!

Happy noise filled the birthday room when

toys for little hands in bright shiny colours

burst from glossy party bags that glistened.

All topped off with cake, hotdogs and yummies!

“Today you are you! That is truer than true! 

There is no one alive who is you-er than you!”

~ Dr. Seuss