
Saturday, October 7, 2017

Fast As Lightening

Serendipity, like a hummingbird, flits by in a flash
Only hovering briefly to focus and say hello
Wings beating furiously just to hold the moment.
Tiny, fast as lightening and given to curiousity,
Serendipity shows up when least expected.

Vital lives are about action. 
You can’t feel warmth unless you create it, 
can’t feel delight until you play, 
can’t know serendipity unless you risk.
~ Joan Erickson, author
(Photo only shows on my Facebook page)

Friday, October 6, 2017

Into the Mist

Unique ideas arise from the mist on the path leading me forward. 
Joyful ideas of depth and meaning calling for compassion
challenged by ghosts, apparitions and goblins, 
waving mirages in foggy glare or greying shadows
where do I step
what do I watch
what focus do I need to pass
     creeping shadows
       yawning faces that scream out 
 mournful moans that dig soul-deep
instinct and intuition fling my arms wide 
to reach out to hand holds of family and friends
safe guides past gloom and doom
steadying steps while I peer curiously into shadows
shielding my eyes from foggy glare
guiding me over slippery rocks
into the fun-light of days full of depth, meaning and joy.

“Does the walker choose the path, or the path the walker?”
~ Garth Nix, Sabriel

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Mixed Messages

Mixed Messages

uriousity furthers the next step, son”.

“Daaad! What does that mean? I’ve got to get this paper in tomorrow and you tell me that?!” 

Gavin was so fed up with his assignment. And then for his dad to get all weird on him didn’t help. He really wasn’t worried about getting it done on time. He could come up with some excuse. The dog ate it. His mom spilled coffee on it. His computer crashed before he had time to save it. He was worried about Amy being at The Pitbull House in two hours. He was really curious about……..and the light went on. The next step. Wow!  His dad was cooler than he let on.

“Ok! I get it. I need to write up a summary at the end of my paper; save it and print it out. Think I can get that done in an hour and a half?”

“Yes son, I do think you can. Just keep focussed. I’m done with the printer in about 30 minutes. By that time, your ‘curiosity' should have moved you forward.”

Gavin’s dad smiled. Gavin was a good kid. He had heard Gavin’s phone call to make the date with Amy. Dad was reliving his own time in the Land of Adolescence and enjoying the memories.

“The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled.”
~ Plutarch

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

A Box

Originality could be a problem 
 when focus demands 
in short: a box
  with flexibility only
       if it fits
colouring inside the lines
  with colours dictated by protocols
living with integrity
  inside a box requires 
     belief in oneself
  faith in the goodness of others
and hope for original, creative thought and action.

“A box without hinges, key, or lid, yet golden treasure inside is hid.”
~ J.R.R.Tolkien

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

The Race

The Race

Frivolity should never, ever take the place of focus, honey.”

“I know mom, but I’m getting so tired of focussing. I’m bored! Mom, can’t I do something else?”

“Like what, sweetie?  I suppose you could go jogging. It’s a pretty nice day outside. That would help you work out, but have a bit of fun too. What do you say? I’ve got an extra water bottle for you. Come on.  It’ll be fun? We’ll stop at Joe’s Waffle Wraps for ice cream after we’re done!”

“Wow! Mom, that almost sounds frivolous. Who’s buying?”

“Let’s race for it - the last lap.  Loser pays! And gets to pick the flavour.”

“Ok. I’m on! Let’s do it!”

“There is never a time when new distraction will not show up; 
we sow them, so several will grow from the same seed.”
~ Seneca

Monday, October 2, 2017

Focus Re-Imagined

rivolity should never……

Originality could be……
Curiosity furthers….
Unique ideas arise from………
Serendipity, like a hummingbird………

“It’s as if when I open myself up to every perception, 
things create their own focus.”
~ Kristin Cashore, Graceling

Sunday, October 1, 2017

I Don't Do Selfies

I don’t do many selfies.
The perspective this one brings is pretty real!
White hair -which I have wanted and cherished.
Wrinkles - I’ve earned each one from good times and not so good times.
I really didn’t realize the impact they would both have on my ego.
Envisioning some grande dame but seeing my ordinary self?
Doesn't fit with my imagined self ~ 
and yet my very real self is 
very grateful for all that life has given me.

“My selfie my life!”
~ Ken Poirot