
Saturday, October 7, 2023

A Spot of Colour

Attention to the details of colour draws my eye every time. This orphaned set of fuzzy leaves on a long drying stem needed a place to rest. Getting them home, I really didn’t know whether I could keep them alive or not. I just put the long stem in an unused spice bottle full of water to see what would happen. I just about forgot it!

Two days ago, when I did give it my attention, that spot of beautiful colour surprised me. A tiny perfectly formed flower bud! I have since transferred that charming greenery to some soil to see if I really have saved it. I’ve supported it with rocks and am keeping moist. The little bud  doesn’t look too healthy, but I can only keep my fingers crossed.

“I grow plants for many reasons: to please my eye or to please my soul, 

to challenge the elements or to challenge my patience for novelty or 

for nostalgia, but mostly for the joy in seeing them grow.”

~ David Hobson, Garden writer


Friday, October 6, 2023

One More Step

 Commitment to the next step, 

no matter the storm, 

simply a breath and a second.

“Don’t watch the clock; do 

what it does. Keep going.”

~ Sam Levenson

Thursday, October 5, 2023

On a Late Afternoon Walk - Taking a Chance!

Interested in the pieces of tiny hail bouncing on the sidewalks, against the bridge and on my hooded head, I picked up my pace. The black cloud above, thundering and tailed by lightening gave me more encouragement.

On my way to dinner with friends, I was getting wetter with each step. Veering into the park, I saw shelter! A restroom with an outdoor overhang that I shared with a cyclist. The rain and fine hail continued for another five minutes before wind took the black cloud off to the south! Billowing white clouds and blue sky brightened the rain swept city.

“There is peace even in the storm.”

~ Vincent van Gogh


Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Chapter Two, Episode 156 - Two Men Talking - Situationally Theirs

Distractions come in my way all the time. Just when I think things are going the way I want them, something changes. Em is my biggest distraction. I don’t know if I’m even making sense, Matt. I just feel lost.” Jeremy didn’t really know Matt Hamilton all that well but he had no one else to turn to. After Emelina had walked away from him the night before, he just sat and played the scene in his head like it was a movie. She came in all excited about being a farmer. He exploded at her. She said she should go and just left. Alone, he didn’t know what to do. An experienced doctor, successful in his career, kind to his patients but Em walked away. He finally called Matt when he couldn’t think anymore.

Matt knew he was on shaky ground. He suspected Emelina would have gone to Dez right away. Was he about to step into something sticky and smelly? But he knew what it was like to have someone walk out of his life. His was different though, at least he thought so. “Let’s meet for coffee. I haven’t had supper yet. You eaten anything?” Jeremy had to think a minute. “I don’t think so. I mean I don’t think I’ve eaten for hours. I guess I am hungry.” 


They met at a Denny’s, shook hands and went to a booth at the back. Matt hadn’t eaten all day and ordered the Hungry Man’s Breakfast, coffee, orange juice and a big stack of toast. Jeremy, his stomach growling since he had been reminded that he hadn’t eaten, ordered chilli, a Monterey sandwich and a glass of milk. The booth was silent while the two men ate their meals.

Matt wiped his plate with a piece of his toast. Finished he sat back and beckoned the waiter for more coffee. “Shouldn’t have more coffee this late, but it’s been a long day. What about you?” 

“It started out long and just got longer, Matt. I’m getting too old for the hospital work and then this trouble with Em.” Jeremy finished his sandwich, scraped his chilli bowl clean and drained the milk. When the waiter came to the table with coffee he held out his empty mug to her. “Thanks. Just the cream - no sugar.”


“I think I’ve got this all sorted out, Matt. You’re a good listener.” The two men were in the cool night air. “Any time, Jeremy. You’ll do just fine, you and Em. Glad I could help out.” He turned to his pickup, stopped and said “Say, why don’t you come out to the orchard tomorrow. I could use a hand if you’re not doing anything,”

“I’m going to call Em tonight and I’ll let you know.” 

“Life is travelled at a pace one decides for themselves.”

~ Chandra Sekhar, Failure Race: A story never told before

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

The Weather Deals

Endeavouring to play with the cards dealt can be most curious. This time it’s just weird. Two of the potatoes I stuck in the dirt last February just sprouted. Why did I plant potatoes in February in Saskatchewan? For February, it felt like it was almost spring? What do I do now? Let the beautiful plants keep growing? Pull them out? I guess I’ll just protect them from any frost, get them inside pretty soon - but I hear we’re due for some warm weather soon! 

Where is the dedication in all this? In my farmer genes. Haven’t much of a green thumb, but if the weather just hints at me, I’ll plant something!

“When all is said and done the weather and love are 

the two elements about which one can never be sure.”

~ Alice Hoffman,  Here on Earth


Monday, October 2, 2023

Permission Granted ~ 3

Dedication to a project is always hard won. Throughout life, any project must have a purpose. That may only be my opinion, however I’ve learned it to be true for me. The purpose must also be something that fits with society, community, family. Something or someone outside of myself. I do get caught up in trying to see where a project fits, thinking too much about the why’s. Or maybe, I just don’t want to do the work. Writing is a good example of both permission for a purpose or permission to do anything else but write. My present, and very long time, writing project is about my experience with having very stable epilepsy. Writing down all the thousands of words over many years has been easy, but recently was becoming boring. Nothing more to say. Nothing to see here. 

Yet I joined two more writing groups, began to drop some social activities, replaced those with reading and wondered what I was doing. I write both in a journal and on my laptop. The only injuries I receive from this sedentary sport of the pen is stiffness from sitting too long! Dedication to this next part of my project is a tough one. Clarifying, organizing, and putting all those words to bed. It’s like herding cats! However, I work at putting aside all the excuses to re-write one more page, revise one more sentence, cut one more paragraph without waiting for permission.

“Write. Rewrite.When not writing or rewriting, read. I know of no shortcuts.”

~ Larry L. King, author

January 1929 - December 2012


Sunday, October 1, 2023

Distracting Puzzles ~DEDICATION ~ Theme for October 2023

Dedication to a project…..

Endeavouring to play….

Distractions come in…..

Interested in the pieces…..

Commitment to the……

Attention to the details……

Tantalizing word images……

Incandescent mirages……

Overwhelmed with…….

Naive about……..

“To those who, in spite of everything, still choose goodness.”

~ Marie Lu, The Midnight Star