
Saturday, August 13, 2016

A Troubled Journey

When the insides churn with
   Anger and fury
       Shame and regrets
    Disrespect and intolerance

Only the outsides are
   Shaped and polished
      Coloured and trimmed
Combed into respectability

Humanity is left in the dust
    Of personal disrespect and shame
To be gathered bit by bit
      Looking always for true inner respect.

“Healing can be a long and winding road or 
a straightforward march to the finish line.”
~ Alice McCall

Friday, August 12, 2016

A Moment for Self-Respect

To earn your own respect
Ask for advice

To earn your own respect
Choose your words carefully
Take measured steps with purpose
Create Plan B

To earn your own respect
Continue to live each moment
Embrace humility
Be kind to yourself.

“The greatest thing in the world is to know how to belong to oneself.”
~ Michel de Montaigne, The Complete Essays

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Mastering Comfort and Safety

Respect can be a hard task master ~

Being respectful when it's the last thing on your mind
stepping back just long enough to breathe deeply
relying on polite political correctness
to bridge 
the gaping chasm of life on life’s terms - not our own.
when the moment has passed
ruffled pride has been smoothed

Respect is comfortable and safe.

“Generosity is giving more than you can, 
and pride is taking less than you need.”
~ Kahlil Gibran, Sand and Foam

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Only Our Senses

Only our senses
Feel respect
Sincere smile
Firm hand shake
Offer of help
Stepping aside if the answer is ‘no’
Reliably honest words and deeds
Kindness even in the heat of debate.
Memories of mentors and teachers.

“All credibility, all good conscience, 
all evidence of truth comes only from the senses.”
~ Friedrich Nietzsche

Mapping Today and Tomorrow

The deep overgrowth of the past

Overgrown foundation of our lives
Layered with life experiences 
~ rocky or smooth
Road maps toward unknown horizons 
~ directions we do not want to retrace
Respecting the imprint of our past
And our abilities to reshape our lives in the present
To choose new directions that move us forward.

“Good judgment comes from experience, 
and experience comes from bad judgment.”
~ Rita Mae Brown, Alma Mater

Monday, August 8, 2016

Delicious Creations

Jennifer's Jiffies
I try to have interesting food in my fridge and cupboards ~ herbs and spices, fresh vegetables and a variety of meats. Partly because I like to cook and partly because I like to have lots of meals in the freezer so I don’t have to cook everyday.

While in Vancouver this past weekend, we went to the Farmer’s Market at Trout Lake where I purchased several pre-mixed foods. Jennifer’s Jiffies are four of the ones I purchased~ quinoa salad, triple chocolate brownies, minestrone and curried rice pilaf. Tonight I cooked the quinoa salad, which can be served cold or hot.  I’ll be having it both ways. I’ve reserved some of the salad for tomorrow’s lunch with greens from my garden.

While writing this tonight I wondered about why I was so drawn to these. I don’t buy boxes of premade foods from the inner isles of grocery stores with all their preservatives. Initally it was just the presentation of these bright and colorful cones that attracted me. Then I looked at the tags and the list of different packages that Jennifer had created. They made me hungry!

I really respect the talents of others to create with food, their hard work and willingness to present their creations to the world. Any of us that purchased these particular creations, benefit with each taste. Tomorrow night it will be the curry pilaf with chicken thighs.

“The person born with a talent they are meant to use 
will find their greatest happiness in using it.”
~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Jennifer's Jiffies at
Nine different soup mixes 
Three differently flavoured rice pilafs
Two chili mixes - one mild and one spicy
Three different salad mixes (coucous, quinoa and bulgar)
Three different baking mixes (brownies, cookies and muffins)
Two different cracker mixes (should have purchased one of those) 

Sunday, August 7, 2016

A Chance to Grow

I haven’t written much this weekend
Haven’t read very much this weekend

Reloading my mind and heart with
family, sun and broad, stretching beaches,
fresh farm vegetables, 
one Victoria beach with a ginormous sandcastle
children playing in the sun and wind,
scrambling over expansive ground on both beaches.

Our children really are our future
respecting their burgeoning needs to grow and learn is a responsibility we all share.

We can accept it and share in the growth and fun ~ or miss out.

“There is no single effort more radical in its potential for saving 
the world than a transformation of the way we raise our children.”
~ Marianne Williamson

Time and Tides

At Spanish Banks today
Low tide stretched the beach far and wide
Sand rippled currents pulled from the shore
People strayed far, mere coloured dots past broad sand banks
Children and dogs ran and played in this gigantic oceanic pool
Sun warmed shallows and soft sand welcomed bare feet.
Tides recede and tides roll in again
Gently or with wild curling surf
Today was gentle and warm,
cool breezes and slight cloud drift.
My sons, my grandson and I waded far with the dogs.
Time and tide had returned us to this day.

Today reminded me to respect the tides of our lives.
With attention and care, return to those we love is possible.

“ I think life’s a bit of what you make of it and a little smidgen of 
you being the jellyfish, and the tide’s just gently helping you along.”
~ Andrew Buchan