
Saturday, July 10, 2021

An Early Morning Walk - A Stroke of Sun

Sun burned down hot and hotter over the lake 

rippled only by slim rowing boats, kayaks, geese and ducks

the call of a rowing master punctured the air

clutches of goslings and ducklings settled under shades of summer leaves

fine feathered parents stood guard to watch over them

songbirds quieted as the temperature reached the sky

joggers, cyclists and walkers moved steadily through shade and heat

soft breezes slipped through the trees, wafting across the lake

we all kept talking and solving the problems of the world.

“Summertime and the livin’ is easy.”

~ Porgy and Bess


Friday, July 9, 2021


Distant travels far from home

longer away than imagined ~

each home blossomed

then curled and dried in 

the heat of longing 

for home and family.

“Home’s where you go when you run out of homes.”

~ John le Carré, The Honourable Schoolboy

Thursday, July 8, 2021

On an Afternoon Walk

Kids these days! Just moseying in a crowd across the road. As if they owned it! At least six blocks and four lanes of traffic was stopped while a lone woman was trying to hurry them across to my side of the street. Once they all straggled up on the sidewalk she went back across the street to prevent another smaller gaggle from following their buds. When I reached them, they were about to turn and go back, so I herded and got hissed at - their chaperone wasn’t thrilled with me. When they were grazing hungrily and moving away from the road I continued my walk. 

Later in the evening, from my kitchen window, I could see traffic slowing and stopping again. I suspect this is a usual feature of Canada geese in Regina- or any other part of the world where geese travel. The patience of yesterday's motorists is to be commended. 

“Every walker is a guard on patrol to protect the ineffable.”

~ Rebecca Solnit, Wanderlust: A History of Walking


Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Chapter Two, Episode Forty-One - When Things Slow Down - Situationally Theirs

When Things Slow Down

The unbearable heat of the week just past had eased. The hospital administration had allowed the courtyard be refurnished. Numbers were dropping for admissions to the hospital. There were still positive cases, but slowly, slowly Intensive Care beds were not full of only Covid19 patients. The Covid 19 ward had been closed and was being thoroughly cleaned and sanitized. The trees in the courtyard beautifully shaded the widely spaced tables. Wooden planters frothing with flowers circled the trees and lined the raised flower beds welcomed Dr. Jeremy and Emelina. 

“This is so lovely, Jeremy! Are you sure you can be down here? How long do you have for your break? It still must be so busy.” 

“We discharged our last patient from the ICU this morning. I’ve got a long break right now.” He looked at the pager clipped to his coat. “If they need me, they’ll page me. Where’s Dez? I thought she’d come along with you.” 

Emelina looked troubled. “I’m not sure she’ll come Jeremy. I told her that you had invited her, but in her words - “I don’t see what the big deal is, Em. Why does he want me there?”

It was Jeremy’s turn to look troubled. “She’s actually key to my whole plan. If she doesn’t agree, then I’ll have to figure something else out.” He stood and walked towards the parking lot, searching for any sign of her.

“All right Jeremy. What’s up? You’ve got something planned. I have no idea what it could be that you absolutely need Dez here.” She got up and, meeting him as he was returning to the table, she took his hand. “Jeremy, is something wrong? Do you want Dez here because you have something to tell me?”

He laughed and wrapped his arms around her. “No, everything is right. I just may need more time to tell you all the details. But you’re right, I do have something planned.” Just as they sat down, they heard Dez call to them. “Em! Jeremy! There you are. What’s going on?”


When Jeremy had returned to work after his weekend off with Em, things had changed. The patients remaining in the Intensive Care Unit were off the ventilators. When he received a report from the physicians going off duty, he was told that everyone was stable. Still critical but out of danger and on the mend. At a physician’s staff meeting later that day, the duty rosters had been revised. The previous 10 days off that he was expecting had been extended. Three weeks! He couldn’t believe it. As the meeting came to a close, an idea had begun to form. He would need Dez’ help. If she could stay out at the Estate while they were away………….Cruise ships were still too dangerous, but he didn’t know about train travel. He wasn’t comfortable with flying anywhere just yet. Or maybe they would just drive. He had to make sure that Dez was fully vaccinated. He knew that Em was - they had gone together for theirs. 


“…… that’s my plan. A second honeymoon, Em. What do you think? Dez can stay out at the Estate - that’s if it’s all right Dez. I don’t even know if that’s necessary but…….”

“Jeremy, slow down. What are you talking about? You can’t get anymore time off work. I’ve got some things I’m working on right now that I have to finalize. Those ones with my accountant that I told you about.” Em was concerned. Pleased that her husband was excited, but concerned that he was just a little too excited. Making plans without talking to her about it. “Have you really thought about it all? Stepped back a bit and looked at it realistically?”

“Why do I need to stay out at the Estate? I don’t think anyone needs baby-sitting out there.” Dez sat back and smiled in amusement. “I suppose I could use the time to really get involved with my - I mean, your - orchard. It sound’s like fun, Em. You’re worrying too much. Jeremy hasn’t even told us when this second honeymoon is going to start.” To herself, she thought about Martha. ‘I’ll have to call here and let her know that her plans may get kiboshed again.' She’ll have to get everything in motion again. Would it be a send off or a return? To her sister and brother-in-law she said “I’ll do whatever you need. Just let me know when you’re taking off.”

Dr. Jeremy’s pager beeped at him. He called on his cell phone to the unit. Silence while he was listening. “Be right there.”……“Well ladies, now you know why I called this little board meeting. I have to get back to work, and I’ll keep you posted about the details.”  He stood, leaned over, brushed Em’s hair back, and kissed her on the forehead. “Get your suitcases out, Em. ‘Bye Dez and thanks. You may find that being out at the Estate will be good for you and your orchard.” With that, he turned and jogged in to the hospital, disappearing behind the heavy glass doors.

Em looked rather stunned  “Well that’s a surprise. He’s been so busy and tired lately that I just about didn’t know this guy!”

Dez grinned at her sister. “Well, he looked like Jeremy, almost sounded like him. But I think we need to talk about this over lunch. You know that little restaurant by the bank that has been closed. Take Out only. They have sidewalk tables and are open for lunch. Come on. We can talk about it over Brioche sandwiches. Remember the desserts?”

“You’re right. Sitting here trying to make sense out of what all I need to do is not helpful. I am hungry. They’ve also got a delicious ginger carrot gazpacho. I’ll ride with you. I had Giles bring me in. I’ll call him and tell him to go on home.”

“The surprise is that you continue to be surprised.”

~ Jill A. Davis, Ask Again Later

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Adventuring We Go


Heat turned down on summer,

wind in the trees, clouds in the sky

a peek from the sun warms the day 

and we’re off!

Lunch with a friend at Smitty’s and a trip to The Plant Ranch at 5909 13th Ave filled my afternoon.  With no intention to buy anything….at all……really……and yet a Black-eyed Susan found it’s way into my possession. I did need another pot so had to buy one! Stones in the bottom, potted with new soil and watered, my rather bent but healthy purchase was home. It did need support to stand straight. A search in my house revealed two pseudo cattails with long strong, straight stems! It pleases me to have my favourite bright flowers on my porch. 

“Some adventures require nothing more than a willing heart
and the ability to trip over the cracks in the world.”

~ Seanan McGuire, Down Among the Sticks and Bones

Monday, July 5, 2021

Creation ~ 2

Taking stock of 
the past and the present,
before the future arrives, 
is all a-jumble and babble.

Finding the truth of

yesterday and today,

before the future arrives,

is not for the faint of heart.

Creating value and order

from the chaos of yesteryears

gives the future 

a chance for redemption.

“Teach them that rainbows appear after a storm 

to remind them that light begins and ends with all colours.”

~ Frederic M. Perrin, Rella Two Trees - The Money Chiefs

Sunday, July 4, 2021

What Will Be?

Round Dance 
Artist: Kate Hersberger
A moment in time has passed

with two steps forward and

one or two steps back.

If two steps, it gets buried 

under rhetoric and laws.

A moment in time is passing

with halting steps forward,

pauses for backstepped history.

Even silenced voices have been heard 

and the heat of anger explodes.

A moment in time will pass ~

What steps will be taken?

Forward, back or dancing in circles?

When the heat has cooled

what will be?

“Truth is a seed

planted deep.

If you want to get at it

you have to dig.”

~ Katherena Vermette, river woman

MetĂ­s poet and Winner of Governor General's Award 2013

for North End Love Songs