
Saturday, August 20, 2022

Afternoon Outing ~ Regina's Big Book Sale!!

Laundry, make the bed, do my exercises, feed the cat and go to the Big Book Sale. But as the morning wore on, it became afternoon. Afternoon ~ when I get kind of sleepy. My avoidance mechanism threatened. After all I don’t really need any more books. And I don’t have anymore book shelf space. They would be heavy and it’s really hot and I’ve never been there before and…….. listening to all that chatter was really getting annoying. Laundry done, no time to tidy the place ~ but that can wait ~ I’m not expecting company.

I saw the big blue and yellow Big Book Sale sign! I had arrived at the Highland Curling Club. People going inside empty and others coming out ~ bags of books leaving with them. Inside, where once were sheets of curling ice there were long rows and tables of books! Organized by author, categorized by type, children’s books, fiction, history, self help and so much more..… almost overwhelming. I wandered….picked up this book and that book….put them back. Then I thought of cook books. I pulled out the little map I was given when I arrived. Then, like a fridge magnet headed for the fridge door, I headed for its location. Right beside the Tally tables - that’s where they add up how many books you have and send you to the cashier. Do I need more cookbooks - well these three I do. I’ve never had one about Mustard, or about Barbecue tips, or about peppers. And they’re only small, I can fit them in …….

“Some books should be tasted, some devoured, 

but only a few should be chewed and digested thoroughly.”

~ Sir Francis Bacon


Friday, August 19, 2022

On an Afternoon Walk - A Summer Wander

Meandering a walkway lined with bushes laden with berries, 
grasshoppers hum in long grasses

Wascana Creek paused and slow

in the heat of this summer afternoon

off the beaten path into open park,

elm trees offering shady oases, until

a gravelled path directed me into 

a peaceful neighbourhood

when a wide back alley 

lured me onward 

back yards hidden 

by fences and flowers, 

a sly glance at a garden 

abundant with vegetables

From pathway to open park, 

gravelled path to back alley, to 

cement sidewalk all the way home.

“Summertime is always the best of what might be.”

~ Charles Bowden

Thursday, August 18, 2022

On an Afternoon Walk - Deep Purple

Beautiful, lush berries 

dripping and draping from

lovely trees gracing the street

a veritable banquet 

for birds, squirrels and bugs

busy residents of these leafy havens

handsome trees planted by man

nourished by soil and sun

offer beauty and shade for all

“Nature understands her business better than we do.”

~ Michel Eyquem de Montaigne,

French essayist, (1533-1592)


Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Chapter Two, Episode Ninety-Seven - Shifts - Situationally Theirs


Dez and Emelina seem to have separated for no obvious reason. It was vanity and self esteem on Dez’s part. On Emelina’s part she had just not been paying attention. Weeks had gone by, busy with her own life, she had lost track of how often her sister had been at the estate. She had, in fact, taken for granted that her sister would always be there. That had been Emelina’s old behaviour. Always the centre of attention and if she wasn’t she felt lost. To others it just seemed arrogant and uncaring. To Emelina, she truly did feel lost and neglected. Often didn’t know how or if she could change that so just let herself drift until she felt too uncomfortable or worried about someone or something. 

For Dez, she had always been more a tomboy than what her dad called a girlie-girl. She also preferred her independence even as a teenager. In their class year book, she was voted ‘Girl most likely to start a Do It Yourself business.’ So when she realized that she was uncomfortable at the Estate with her reliance on her sister’s well-heeled situation, she had to disappear. She didn’t know she would disappear into her sister’s world of hairdoes and haute couture. The haute couture part was not quite on board, but she did have a few new things in her wardrobe. That was only so she could be presentable at the spa where she worked.


Dez was frustrated. Slamming her fist on the arm of her sofa, she said to no one in particular “If only Samuel hadn’t seen me! He even called out to me. Maybe he thinks I didn’t hear him.” She started to pace. “It was my car! There’s lots of red cars like mine out there - maybe not. Except……my cracked windshield. He keeps telling me to get it fixed.”

Her phone rang. ‘I hope it’s not Em again. I can’t keep avoiding her.” But it wasn’t. Matt Hamilton’s name popped up on the call display. Breathing a sigh of relief, she answered it before it could go to voice mail. “Matt! Hi! Where have you been? How have you been?” A smile wreathed her face. Hearing his low gravely voice always turned her insides over. Her worries about her sister and Samuel vanished “I’ve been off on a fishing trip with some guys. Only a week and didn’t catch much but had a good time. You’ll have to come on the next one. It will be couples this time and I don’t want to feel left out.” Dez’s heart plummeted. So she’d only be a tag-a-long?

“I didn’t mean that the way it sounded.” Matt had heard Dez’s sharp intake of breath. “I mean I want you to be with me.” Silence “Can we drop that? I’m digging myself a hole that I’m not sure I could get out of, Dez. And I’m sorry.”

Dez hesitated. “Okay, we can change the subject. What did you call about, anyway?” She heard Matt clear his throat. “Your sister. She left a message on my phone to call her. Said she couldn’t find you and needed to know you were ok. I was going to call her but decided to call you first. I thought you needed to know.”

Dez wanted to get angry. With Matt for his insensitivity about the fishing trip; with Em for tracking her down like she was her parent. An angry outburst would do no good. That’s what her mother would have told her. “Thank you Matt. I’ll call Em right away.” She was about to end the call. “And Matt, if that invitation to the fishing trip is still open, I accept.


Dez didn’t call her sister. She didn’t change her hair or cut off her gaudy fingernails. She called the kitchen. “Cook? It’s Dez. Don’t say anything. Is my sister out there right now?” 

Cook was good at thinking on her feet. This one was no different than any other. Miss Dez and Miss Em needed her. “Yes, sir. The delivery is here for you to pick up. But you’ll need to be here soon or there will be no one here to help you.”

Dez threw on a jacket, finger combed her hair, grabbed her keys and hurried to her old red car with the cracked windshield. A phone call wouldn’t do. She needed to see and hug her sister. They had been separated once and for ten years. Pride, fear, vanity……whatever she might want to call it……were banished. Like an angry outburst, they would do no good either.

“Shift your attention, and your emotion shifts. 

Shift your emotion, and your attention shifts.”

 ~ Frederick Dodson, Parallel Universes of Self


Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Performance Art

Crumbling onto waiting sand,

boulders and rocks build 

a new story of the land ~

freshened soil remains for

trees and grass to grow,

brush strokes of nature while 

ocean waves shush and crash

rolling boulders and rocks

into polished pebbles

rain ~ gentle or slashing ~

puddles in crevices, 

soaks deep into sand and soil

crumbling onto waiting sand,

boulders and rocks build 

a new story of the land.

“Land is really the best art.”

~ Andy Warhol

Monday, August 15, 2022

From the Same Root ~ 3

And then there’s puttering ~

Pick up this….

Move that over…..

Forget to eat but…..

Snack all day…..

Start a waiting sewing project….

Forget the time….

Fold clothes still in the dryer….

Plant flowers wilting while waiting.…

Pull weeds cluttering the drive….

Back in the house….

Work on that painting….

Pick up this ….

Move that over….

Start supper…….!

Where did the time go!?

“Time flies over us, but leaves its shadow behind.”

~ Nathaniel Hawthorne,  The Marble Faun


Sunday, August 14, 2022

From the Same Root ~ 2


Passionate about puttering?

A bit over the top….

but a great way to drift……

Hostile about housework?

Not necessarily an exaggeration.

Just drains my energy.

A secret ~ don’t tell!

The results can be absolutely the same,

but much calmer with the passionate part.

“The imagination needs moodling,- - long, 

inefficient happy idling, dawdling and puttering.”

~ Brenda Ueland