
Saturday, November 16, 2013

Keyboard Kops

Keyboard Kops or more commonly known as
the I.T. guys
or computer geeks
are always invisible over the phone
merely disembodied voices
telling us that fixing our computer problems are
no problem
just find the icon
use certain keys
when suddenly the screen changes from where ever they are!
Taking my electronic stuff into a repair shop
these computer geeks look like ordinary folk but
they talk some other language
with familiar words that mean something else
rem and dos, 
rebooting and shut down
gigabytes and memory
looking at me as though I will understand....
Right now I only speak plain English and
my own memory cannot be expanded - it just is what it is!

“For last year’s words belong to last year’s language
And next year’s words await another voice.”
~ R.S.Eliot, Four Quartets

Friday, November 15, 2013

Invisible Differences

The difference between west
coast winter cold and prairie winter cold is invisible and some may say negligible.

A prairie girl, I know that bright snow and wide blue sky
are part of the difference ~ yet when the wind whines and howls, dry cold is forced deep into bones and joints that stiffen and freeze.

A Victoria resident, I see grey skies dripping with wet cold brightened by green or gold leafed trees spared by November winds ~ yet when the wind whistles and whines, damp cold seeps deep into bones and joints that stiffen and freeze.

The difference registers visibly on weather gauges and thermometer, yet cold is as cold does. One must always be prepared to find the similarities of warmth and shelter.

“People are pretty much alike. It’s only that our differences 
are more susceptible to definition than our similarities.”
~ Linda Ellerbee

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Circular Travels

stories go round and round
entwined with clinical terms 
emotional content bright or dark
there are no successes or failures
only humanity that lives, breathes and dies
invisible human spirit oiling wheels
chains unlocked that bind too tight
travels in many different directions before nightfall

“If you want a happy ending, that depends, 
of course, on where you stop your story.”
~ Orson Welles

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Farewell Rambles

Homey breakfast tucked away,
wander away down the Breakwater stretch,
drive in the country (already scouted),
tractors, sewing machines, a mangle, all manner of implements that showed how blessed we are to be able to wander about at Saanich Heritage Artifacts Society ~ our mom's and dad's, and generations before, worked hard!
Meandering through backroads past cabbage and pumpkin fields on our way into Victoria.
A short stroll between quaint and colourful float homes at Fisherman’s Wharf.
Again, it’s all about food!
This time to the JBI (James Bay Inn) for chowder, fish and chips and chocolate dessert.
Home for a final game of Scrabble, then our good-byes as my family guests wing their way back to Alberta.
Invisible trails of their cheery, silly energy cling to my rocking chairs by the fire.

”May you have warm words on a cool evening,
a full moon on a dark night, and
a smooth road all the way to your door.”
~ Irish Toast

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Today's Treats

One day out of three
paths divergent and invisible to each other ~ 
but still with attention to food
To begin ~
breakfast at Avalon and cruising Antique Row on Fort Street
then off on our different paths
lunch with an old and dear friend
an appointment to keep
roaming the country side for pictures and treasures
home once more with
rocking chairs and fireside chats
fixing my writing desk - an extra treat from my brother-in-law
then bundled for Victoria moist cold, off on foot (a whole block) ~ 
Prima Strata Pizzeria our goal
our pizzas spun, topped and baked in a wood fire oven
delicious supper to wind down the day!
Now, after cookies and ice cream, it’s time to write, read and rock..................sigh........

I like to eat right and in moderation, but give
myself treats and kind of have everything.”
~ Kate Walsh

Monday, November 11, 2013

Granville Symphony

Invisible strands of DNA

played musically over
curry, chow mein and deep fry
with key notes of lyrics and laughter.

“DNA neither cares nor knows. DNA just is.
And we dance to its music.
Richard Dawkins

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Scrabble Chat

A pile of letter tiles

invisible words
travel up
wander across
sisters visit and chat
words float and hover above.

“You can discover more about a person in
an hour of play than in a year of conversation.”

An Evening with Eleanor Wachtel

Ms. Wachtel’s face has been invisible, her voice bringing conversation and interviews with contemporary authors over CBC radio waves for many years. She has hosted Writer’s and Company each Sunday at 5pm PST (3 pm EST) as well as Wachtel on the Arts, a regular feature on Ideas. Her laugh and her wit unmistakable, myself and friends were able to listen to her in person this evening at Emanu-El Synagogue here in Victoria.

Ms. Wachtel shared fascinating accounts from some of her interviews, some of which I had heard and were familiar with, description of reading she does in preparation prior to interviews and a lively question and answer period with the audience following her speech. 

It was another lovely literary evening.

“There’s only one interview technique that matters...
Do your homeowrk so you can listen to the answers and 
react to them and ask follow-ups. Do your homework, prepare.
~ Jim Lehrer