
Saturday, July 9, 2022


Mural on Wascana walkway

Yellow-gold embers ~

never extinguished

ready for laughter

  for nourishment

    for the very breath life.

“Hope, like oxygen, is what kept her going.”

~ Ruta Sepety, Between Shades of Gray

Friday, July 8, 2022

On an Afternoon Walk - In the Heat

Temptation ~ 

Bus stop steps to the right

No shade in this heat

Ice cream store one block to the left

Shade and delicious ice cream

Bus #10 pulled up!

Sigh…… Ice cream will have to wait.

“Get thee behind me Satan!”

~ P.C.Cast, Marked

Thursday, July 7, 2022

On the Couch ~ A Cat’s Tale

“Intuition lives inside all cats ~ as everyone knows. Humans seem to share that quality. She knew that my comfort was of critical importance. A beautiful new blanket; a soft velvety pillow. She did mutter something with her strange noises. Something like ‘cat hair’. Oh well, as long as I can stretch out, relax and be fed on time all is well.”

“Cats are connoisseurs of comfort.”

~ James Herriot


Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Chapter Two, Episode Ninety-Two - Conflicted - Situationally Theirs


Larger than life arguments.....Mrs. Eliot could hear her daughters, again. Soon there would be a slamming bedroom door. Stomping adolescent feet racing each other down the stairs. In harmony, “Mom!! She’s being stubborn again!” And “Mom! It’s not me, it’s her. She's bossing me around again!” Calmly she got out lemonade, took plastic not glass tumblers from the cupboard.The argument that had descended from upstairs sounded more heated than usual, despite the same pattern. There they were, right on time, squeezing and elbowing themselves into the kitchen, Dez red-faced and Emelina’s mascara reaching her chin. Both of them furious. Their mother wanted to reel time back and pull out two chairs, had them face each other quietly until they could talk civilly. They were too old for that a now. 

“Lemonade, girls?” She gave them their drinks, then turned away from them and continued peeling potatoes. Silence. Dez slouched into a chair, slurped her lemonade. “Don’t slurp!” Emelina rolled her eyes and sipped her lemonade. “See mom, she bosses me about everything.”

“Yes, dear.” Their mother put the potatoes in the oven. “I’ll leave you girls here while I go to Fresh Seafood for tonight's salmon. Please check the potatoes in twenty minutes and give them a stir.” She exchanged her apron for a light sweater, picked up her purse and went out the door.


Dez remembered that afternoon. “She was being too bossy. She even handed me a spoon and told me that I should stir the potatoes.” She was on her way back to Hartley to an interview for a part-time job. It was a temp job for receptionist placement. Not her favourite type of work, having to dress up for every shift, but it paid pretty good. She’d have some benefits with it so she wouldn’t have to depend on her sister for everything. It had been too easy too fall into that trap. “Listen to yourself! ‘A trap’ sounds like Em’s got evil plans for me.” Arriving in Hartley, she pushed it all out of her mind. Her interview was more important.


Emelina stirred her coffee til it was cold. “I suppose mother walked out on us because she was tired of our fights. She never said anything except to check on the potatoes and stir them.” She made a face when she sipped the cold coffee. Pushing it aside, she flipped through the pages of an old photo album. “There you are, mom and dad.” She ran her fingers over the glossy black and white. “I remember that afternoon, mom. I think it may have been the last real fight Dez and I had. We’re in another conflict now. I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do. Dez has gone off to a job interview in the city. She does live here on Estate but I don’t know…….I just don’t know.” She closed the album and slid it back in the bookshelf. 


“That’s what peace is, right? Postponing the conflict until 

the thing you were fighting over doesn’t matter.”

~ James S.A.Corey, Drive

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Sun Shade

like sun-dappled shade,

      saves us from

the brilliance of our gifts.

“A quiet conscience makes one strong!”

~ Anne Frank, The Diary of a Young Girl

Monday, July 4, 2022

Mercurial Mother Nature

Mother Nature is precious when calm and relaxed but

if poked and prodded,

ignored or disrespected

her violence knows no bounds

But then she also has her moods ~ Brilliant smiling sun one day and heavy rain-soaked clouds another.

Did I forget her ragged breath that 

threatens to blow us all away?

In the blink of an eye 

her precious sunny nature returns

No reasons.

No excuses.

Mother Nature just is.

“Mother Nature changes her looks for the same reason 

any woman changes her looks - to be noticed.”

~ Richelle E, Goodrich, Smile Anyway: Quotes, Verse, and Grumblings

Sunday, July 3, 2022

Summer Satisfaction

Under the bridge of

easy-going clouds and melting sunshine

a swirling lime~pineapple ice cream cone, Irish cream iced coffee and a good book satisfied my afternoon.

“I could never in a hundred 

summers get tired of this.”

~ Susan Branch