
Saturday, October 20, 2012

Road Block

Road Block

A young peasant woman set out gaily on a journey. Some in her family had told her to watch for a large boulder on the path she would travel. When she saw it, from a distance, the boulder did look large but certainly not unmanageable. Curiously, it also did not look that close to the road. However, continuing her upward and rocky journey the middle-aged peasant woman found that the boulder was indeed very large, and had completely blocked the road.  

Obviously, many had tried to move it off of the road. Old, rusty tools damaged by time, weather and animals, were strewn around it. Dents, cracks, and holes in the rock showed numerous attempts to make smaller this huge boulder barring the roadway wending it’s way through hills, valleys, forests and plains. Chunks and pieces of rock piled here and there were a testament to those that had taken up the task of moving an immovable object. Grass and vines grew all around and through it.

Sadly, the skeleton of the last man to try moving the chiseled and hammered rock lay against the smooth trunk of a willow tree. The willow tree, once young and slender was now old and wise and clothed in beautiful lacy branches, slender leaves draping to the ground. The unfortunate gentleman beneath its arched branches now wore only thread bare rags, grayed and dusty from age and weather. A worn, faded basket and a long empty wine bottle lay by his side, one boney hand draped over them.

The peasant woman looked with sadness upon the entire scene. The woman, once young and fair, had traveled far to be stopped so suddenly. Her journey had made her old, but she was still vigorous and strong. Shrugging her shoulders she walked slowly around the rock to see if her journey had come to it's end. Where the rock had once blocked this well traveled road, many traveler’s had gone ‘round the left and some ‘round the right, making two roads to follow.

Seeing new roads to travel around the boulder, she smiled and said "I do think it's time for lunch."

After a lunch of bread and cheese, cold water from a babbling brook, she took a short rest, her head against the boulder, the sun on her face. Then shouldering her pack and taking the left fork in the road, she continued her journey.  

"Determination gives you the resolve to keep going
in spite of the roadblocks that lay before you."
~ Denis Waitley

Friday, October 19, 2012

Wind and Waves ~1

nourishes and replenishes dry, not quite parched earth
rides red-gold leaves  through eaves into gutters
drips from leaves
trails down darkened tree trunks
washes away dusty dryness.

But today......
Joy springs from the open sky.
Fliers are out in huge numbers ~
Gulls hover in currents at the Point where the wind is the highest.
Parasailor’s fly wind currents in the curve of the shore and bank
bravely miming the grace and strength of the sea birds.
Golden sun glistens, cutting through the wind.
bouncing off curling frothy waves while
flags of thin cloud stream across the broad sky over the channel.

“The winds and the waves are always
on the side of the ablest navigators.”
~ Edward Gibbon

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Small Circles

Any day adrift needs to be lived in small circles.
My fingertips and toes trace the circles that are safe,
small steps in direction merely
forward and back ~
laundry, tidying,
meals that comfort, 
errands doable with little energy,

At days end,
despite such a valley day,
accomplishments and errands ticked off my list ~ 
previously lain fallow for many a day.

The ‘why’ of a low energy day?
A single cause would be lovely, but
life is full of variables throughout a day.

And so I return,
to small circles of time and space.
What can I see, touch and feel?
How do I want my life in this moment to be experienced?
What can be part of today’s small circle of self care?
Soft fluffy towels that dry my face,
cotton slippers warm from the dryer on cold feet,
crisp warmth of fresh ironed clothes.

Outside in the rain for an errand or two
my car and umbrella keeps me dry
until coffee and bagels at a coffee shop......

Seeking comfort in small circles of self care.

“Nothing is so bitter that a calm mind cannot find comfort in it.”
~ Seneca

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Numbers and Time

Numbers and time ~
Constructs of modernity and urbanity with
amounts, weights, sizes;
time lines, timeliness;
not enough time, too much time on our hands
shaping and informing tasks of

When did their importance imprint on our psyches?
grade school,
high school
any formal school 
where time and numbers invade each
exam or quiz outcome
total grade school year’s end ~
informing and shaping interaction with life outside of self.

Numbers and time live together on
clock face - old-fashioned ticking and tocking or digital LED lights
or in squares on a calendar that
define walls, floors, ceilings of each day
marked with numbers and names.

Numbers and time
meld together wrapping themselves 
in and around our lives to form and shape
how quickly or slowly we move
whether through need or want.

So numbers and time on our earthly clocks and calendars
remain limited fixed visual cues,
so humanity can measure it’s progress against history
and project timeliness for the future.

From dawning to setting sun
moon rise to moon set with
their unchanging phases and
innumerable planets and stars in the sky,
there is a universal guide for all that we
see and do
sense and feel.

The emotion of our hearts and
intuition of our souls can
ignore calendars and clocks to
match the steady turn
of the sun, moon and stars.

“Time is.. Too slow for those who Wait
Too Swift for those who Fear
Too Long for those who Grieve
Too Short for those who Rejoice
But for those who Love Time is not.”
Henry Van Dyke

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Reposted from October 16, 2012: Debating over Territory

Territorial Debate 
(new name for this post!)

Ideas and ideals
bantering back and forth
orchestrated discussion
over territory and who is right.

Leaders of free world parties
reduced and elevated to singularities
speaking for personal, party and national beliefs

Men who aspire to
lead a nation with as many 
rules and laws,
guidelines and regulations,
statutes and mission statements as there are 
that make up the nation.

Who or what wins?
Dollars and cents or
Values and sense?

Or are they all intertwined?

“In all debates, let truth be thy aim,
not victory, or an unjust interest.”
~ William Penn

Monday, October 15, 2012

It's only a Teacup

A tiny porcelain teacup
lay buried in the yard,
lost from a lovely tea set.

This lovely yard had seen
tiny cars, a fire engine
action figures and marbles,
all unearthed from beneath weeds
around the old tree trunks, and
under hedge and bushes.

One pink high heeled slipper
probably belonging to a Barbie doll,
was found once,
but that was two years ago 
between front fence and sidewalk.

Now this little porcelain teacup,
banded in mauve, emerged
as if by magic, from loosened soil 
in an old bed of daffodil bulbs
inside the fence.

There are stories inside this little teacup ~ 
of fine ladies picnicking on the grass and 
calling to the boys playing across the lawn
while the breeze blows from the west.

“Play gives children a chance to 
practice what they are learning.”
~ Fred Rogers

Sunday, October 14, 2012


I am a great white owl,
new resident of a different home 
than the home of my birth.

My birth, a labour of love and creativity, divined by a gentle human hand brought me to life from strange concoctions spread with brushes and washed in running water.

With paint and colour, 
softly feathered wings spread wide, 
curved talons, gloved in feather white, stretched for the forest floor.
Then, winging silently from a dark forest,
I was carried to this new land by a sisterly soul.

Where was I to land?

Offerings of several pleasing perches 
acceptable but never comfortable, 
these brief landings merely moved,
and then moved again,
to help me find my place.

I have finally landed, 
resting in a window bright corner 
surrounded by deep cranberry colour.
Landing ~ where I watch life
outside and in with 
clear yellow eyes.

Sheltered and free, I have found my place. 

“One’s destination is never a place but
 rather a new way of looking at things.”
~ Henry Miller