
Saturday, September 3, 2022

In the Midst ~ 2

Oases in the midst of

joys and sorrows exist 

where our feet are planted

Oases ~ to rest, regroup

and breathe deeply to find

peace in each moment. 

“In the midst of movement and chaos, keep stillness inside of you.”

~ Deepak Chopra

Friday, September 2, 2022

Who is Harvey? - At the Museum

Who is Harvey? - At the Museum

“Harvey always believed in himself.” His mother had known that he would stand tall in the world one day. Even so, she would have been surprised to see where his great feet had landed. Shiny tiles and vaulted ceilings for her offspring, so different from the grasses and trees they had roamed. Young children and their mothers, fathers, or grandparents surrounded him each morning. Some children were frightened by his great size ~ big sharp teeth and long, long tail. That is until one youngster showed another youngster how to push buttons to hear him roar; use the colour table to colour in a little picture of him; put the wooden puzzle together making his many different sizes.  Harvey was content when his home grew quiet at the end of the day, and all the big and small humans went away. But his favourite time was in the morning when the young children came to play around him, be excited and curious about how things worked. Their laughter echoed in Harvey’s grand space, like night birds in the trees. 

“It’s the things we play with and the people who help us 

play that make a great difference in our lives.”  

~ Fred Rogers 


Thursday, September 1, 2022

Hope ~ September Theme for 2022

“Harvey always believed………

Oases in the midst……

Poetry and prose……

Early morning………

“It’s amazing how a little tomorrow can make up 

for a whole lot of yesterday.”

~ John Guare, Landscape of the Body

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Chapter Two, Episode Ninety-Nine - Stand Tall - Situationally Theirs

Stand Tall

“You know, Miss Eliot, you have lovely hair! What do you not like about it?” Sharon had been washing, cutting, dying and styling hair for 35 years. She no longer owned a salon, but had taken her business home with her. A corner of her basement had been turned into her ‘Home Salon’. A select clientele and her own schedule had made her life much easier. Emelina, one of her select clientele, had moved with her. 

Dez was quiet. She ran both hands through her hair. “Not sure. Everything? Too short. Lopsided. Don’t like the colour - it makes me look like a purple zebra. My hair is curly, but they insisted that it should be straightened. Can you really do something with it? I want my normal hair back.” Dez almost sounded like a petulant six year old.


Dez and her sister had driven into Hartley for two reasons. She was going to see this magic hair dresser of Emelina’s. Emelina was going to the hospital to meet with her husband. Dr. Jeremy, finishing his two week rotation, had some time off. The three of them were to meet up later and return to the Estate. 

Sharon did what she could with her hair. It was still short, but at least no longer lopsided. She’d just have to be patient while it grew out. Sharon had coloured her hair so she no longer looked like a purple zebra. It still wasn't her normal colour, a rich dark brown, but close. Em had taken care of her nails and promised to help Dez keep them in trim. This whole mess was all about taking the spa job. Keep the job, have ‘the look’ and a regular paycheque. Quit the job, have her own look and no money. Paying the rent on Martha’s duplex was her responsibility  Emelina had insisted she would pay for it, but Dez put her foot down. “I need to do this Em. After all, I’ll be 50 in a couple of years.” The matter was closed. 

So here she was, in a park not far from the hospital. Alone with her thoughts and glad of it. Her head had been spinning for two long. Trying to hide away. She laughed aloud. “That was a mistake. I had no one to help me out.” Stopping at a pond where ducks floated, she looked at her reflection. “No one that I knew and trusted.” The ducks ignored the crazy lady talking to herself until she tossed bird seed on the water. “I’ve had few close friends over the years.” Another handful of seed pebbled on the water. “When Covid got serious, they all seemed to disappear. Breaking the habit of being stubbornly independent, to ask for help……well, it’s still there. What do you guys think?” Her question was answered with a loud quacking that sounded like a demand for more treats.

“Dez! We’re here.” Turning away from the ducks, she saw her beautiful sister with her handsome husband coming across the beautifully manicured lawn. “You ready to go? We’re going for supper before we go back out of town.” Before Dez could say much, he continued. “We’ve already called Cook to tell her not to wait for us.” Dez smiled. To herself she said ~ ‘There are my supports right there. And I forgot. Glad I came to my senses.’ To her family she said ~ “Sure am ready to go and hungry too.”

“Was it you or I who stumbled first? It does not matter. The one of us 

who finds the strength to get up first, must help the other.

~ Vera Nazarian, The Perpetual Calendar of Inspiration


Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Book Review: Bloomsbury Girls by Natalie Jenner

Evie Stone moved from the role of servant girl at the Chawton Great House to Cambridge. She expected more when her term at Cambridge was completed. However, it was not to be. 

In February of last year, The Jane Austen Society, the first book by Natalie Jenner, was our book club’s choice for that month. This is where ‘quiet and unassuming’ Evie Stone is introduced. It is not necessary to read The Jane Austen Society to enjoy Bloomsbury Girls. The author makes reference throughout as some of the same characters show up in Bloomsbury Girls; characters that helped Evie move forward in her life.

Natalie Jenner has brought Evie Stone to us in this second novel, Bloomsbury Girls. Evie’s quiet and determined care for all books, but especially rare books, brought her to the Bloomsbury Books, a book shop with a centuries old pedigree in post-war London. Herbert Dutton, the general manager, established a strict list of fifty one workplace rules and expects them followed without question. The employees are two women, Vivien and Grace; and four men, Frank Allen, Alec McDonough, Master Mariner Simon Scott and Ashwin Ramaswamy. 

Vivien, manages the floor while Grace is Mr. Dutton’s very dutiful secretary. They are also expected to make tea four times in the work day. Both women are concerned and annoyed by the lack of women authors in the shop. Evie shares their concern. Each of the men has their own areas of work. Bloomsbury Books is very slowly losing its grip as a notable book seller as Mr. Dutton does not wish to upgrade or change. The balance of power in the shop changes the day that Mr. Dutton is taken ill and must be off for a time at the advise of his doctor. When Evie gets hired, the female to male ratio improves. The potential sale of the bookshop to Herbert and Frank becomes the twist in the story. High society, an American benefactor and the founders of The Jane Austen Society are involved. 

Natalie Jenner gives us ordinary women and men at a time of great societal imbalance. The women, especially, struggle to gain a more solid footing at Bloomsbury Books. An enjoyable and easy read.

“Rule No. 31

Staff shall treat each other with pleasantness at all times.”

~ Bloomsbury Girls

Title: The Bloomsbury Girls 

Author: Natalie Jenner

Copyright: 2022

Publisher: St. Martin’s Press, an imprint of St. Martin’s Publishing Group

Type: Novel

Format: Soft Cover

ISBN - 9781250283221 (Canada & international (sold outside the U.S.))

ISBN - 9781250276704 (ebook)

Monday, August 29, 2022

T-Rex Rocks

Don’t remember the last time I was in the Museum of Natural History - decades? When I was a kid ~ or maybe when my kids were kids? One of those two. Back in Regina for just over two years, the dust of moving almost settled, I am beginning to investigate more than coffee shops or restaurants. T-Rex was my first solo stop. He lords it over the first floor of the museum, even has his very own room. I suppose he is rather big to be sharing a space. I could almost hear him roar!

A recent visit with my very busy, curious three year old great-granddaughter was really the impetus. Where do you take kids for a good time besides the ice-cream store? To see bones and relics that feed their natural curiosity. Then it’s time for ice-cream.

“Tyrannosaurus was truly the Schwarzenegger of dinosaurs.”

~ Kenneth Carpenter


Sunday, August 28, 2022

Rainy Day Rest

glistening drops drizzle

down cool window panes

branches sway wildly

damp breezes waft 

through open windows

to freshen cosy inside 

curled under a blanket,

the steady patter of rain

surrounds my rest.

“Let’s just sit quietly and listen to the secrets the rain wants to tell us.”

~ John Mark Green, author
