
Friday, March 1, 2013

A Not so Silent Companion?

The first day of March ~ A month of green growth, shamrocks and on March 17, 
surely there will be a leprechaun or two around.

On March 26, it will be Purple Day - for Epilepsy Awareness. So the colour of the month is also purple.

Today, for me, it has been both.
My writer’s group met here at my home today with the topic for this month ~ 'Anything Irish'. I had not a word to write about it - not that I didn’t try. Feeling pressured for a variety of reasons, in the back of my mind was - you guessed it - the epilepsy that I carry.

Now I had to think of a couple of things, besides epilepsy ~
Good health
and the balance between all of these things.
When balance is well - unbalanced - my seizure disorder can come to the fore and disrupt any and all of those things on my list.

And I must keep quiet about it.
Not to be secretive or ashamed or hiding ~
I just want to be normal.

It’s not like having a cold - or the flu
Colds and the flu come and then go and ~ then come and go,
all depending on the season and the germs that float about.

Epilepsy, inside the brain, is with me all the time (which actually proves that I do have a brain).
Seizures have not been with me for quite some time,
merely the potential for seizures
and for that I am truly, truly grateful.

Today I have been able to enjoy the
news of the birth of my new grand nephew
baking for and hosting the writer’s group I belong to
writing this blog
paying my bills
preparing for my work day tomorrow
even trying to figure out the electronic world and its foibles.

My good health, and my good life,
depends on remembering that epilepsy is with me always
and that it can become a not so silent companion.

“It’s all about quality of life and finding a happy 
balance between work and friends and family.”
~ Philip Green

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