
Friday, June 21, 2013

Respecting our Elder

So the old girl’s tired, is she?  
Rode hard and put up wet one too many times?

She needs some rest and recuperation for a bit.
We don’t always know how dependent we are on her.

Our very lives are made possible with her 
gifts of land, water and sky.
We seem to have made a slave of Mother Earth, 
always asking for  more than we need.

When she is aging, with aches and pains of her own,
do we honour 
her gifts and her sacrifice
relax our greed and our grip?

We are allowed to put 
our homes and our businesses,
our schools, and our highways
our churches and our governments
wherever we choose,

Why are our wants and needs greater 
than the well being of the host that we reside upon?

“....What mankind must know is that human beings cannot live
 without Mother Earth, but the planet can live without humans.”
~ Evo Marcos

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