
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

A Questionable Dilemma

Broom, dustpan and mop are tucked neatly away.
Living room rug rolled up for another day.
What's to be done from this messy month of word play?

Ideas, opinions and stories were told.
The topic was often decidedly old.
‘Addiction’ spoken loud in tones that were bold!

Now those that are active in this dread disease
are not necessarily the easiest folks, if you please.
'Buck up', 'Just say no' ~ could be said with great ease!

Help, if it’s offered, is oft turned away.
‘There’s nothing wrong with me on any old day.’
So why should we help problems that always will stay.

No logical answer to a dilemma with grog.
And why do some folks look after a Jane or a Bob.
Are we dimwitted, saints, or just need a job?

There is gratitude, laughter when the fog lifts.
Real headings are set with some shaking of fists.
It could be that one family member is missed.

Grandkids, grandparents, moms, and dads enter our doors,
Aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews in numbers galore.
Our work is help for one part of a family ~ nothing more.

(p.s. - family dynamics of addictions - in active addiction or in active recovery can be pretty messy..........)

“One of the things I strive for is realism.  I need to be 
as real as possible in the dilemmas my characters face.”
~ Tamora Pierce

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