
Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Information Overload

Listening to the radio today, but not quite as much as usual.
So many, many stories personal and across the land pulled quite legitmately at heart strings, challenging ‘need’ for more stuff.
Hearts sore from the deluge of stories at this time of year, always with the message, ‘it’s too bad especially at holiday time’. (Is there a better time?)

Finding the off switch is a challenge because the deluge becomes white noise, snow fuzzy and picture unfocussed, the actual reality of someone else’s life hidden. Being told everyday by someone, whether in conversation, through social media, or in a news report, becomes painful. Turn the radio off, change the channel, listen to the silence.
The many hard realities that some folks are facing at this time of year
should not be for general consumption - or should it - unless help is truly in hand and on the way. Unexpected changes catch cities, towns and individuals unaware and unprepared. Large global issues mean little when a small house has no food or fire.

And yet ~ ignorance of hard realities is not meant as a general attitude.
Bit by bit, a hand up - not a hand out - may be all that’s necessary.

“...a wealth of informations creates a poverty of attention...”
~ Herbert A. Simon

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