
Monday, May 26, 2014

Added Dimensions

Preparing to age. Not to get old, because we all do, but to age. My preference would be not to be decrepit, incapacitated or unable to be active. My preference would be exactly the opposite.

There was a woman at the pool today, who comes outside of Aquafit classes when the water is quiet. She walks crooked of back and of leg. Her blue eyes look a little tired, but always smiling; her gray hair tousled and her gait slow. She has a four-wheeled walker to get around. There are some days when she just uses a cane. Today, parking her walker at poolside by the stairs, with her navy bathing suit on, she eases herself into the pool for a gentle swim. Today, the water was lovely and warm. Cool enough to ease her joints, warm enough to ease her muscles. When she is in the buoyant water, the tired slips off of her face into the water sparkled by the sun streaming through the high windows.

Preparing to embrace life as we age sounds much better. I will only be 67 this year, still working, still driving, still independently active. The epilepsy that I have carried for most of my life is stable - for today. Will it stay that way? Daily self care has an added dimension now that I really know I am part of that ‘gray wave’ that is advancing upon society.

“Become a student of change. 
It is the only thing that will remain constant.”
~ Anthony D’Angelo

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