
Thursday, September 11, 2014

Something Is..

Something is the eagle that just circled high in the blue sky above in front of my eyes when I looked up to the sky to find a word.

Something is the car that just went past carrying it’s driver
to work, to Grandmother’s house, or just out for a drive.

Something is the harsh caw caw of shiny black crows
announcing their dominance in the flight world and to each other.

Something is the dog barking in the distance beneath the crows and eagles
and on the same plane as vehicles and sirens and walkers strolling past.

Something is a siren!!  Loud and insistent, roughly pushing everyone aside screaming ‘GET out of my Way!! 
there’s an emergency somewhere, fading into the distance, disappearing leaving only fading questions in air.

Something is the rustling of leaves in the trees 
by uncertain breeze or a busy squirrel;
leaves letting go and drifting ~ 
messengers that summer’s end is only days away.

Something is the life all around us 
that comes and goes in waves of living sound and voice
to be caught and tossed away into the wind.

Something is recovery of awareness and wonder of the life around us.
To miss something is to miss our lives.

“In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous.”

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