
Thursday, November 20, 2014

Into the 'Grey Wave'

My life has taken another turn. I don’t think a very big one, no major curves, just in thought. Once the busyness of summer at Detox ended, my hours at work have decreased, often just to my part-time scheduled line. Right now? Ten days off with one relief shift in the middle. In my long stretches of days off, I have scheduled appointments with the dentist, the doctor, massage therapist and recently added, an acupuncturist. And did I mention the dental hygienist. Then there is book club, writing group, walking group and aquafit. It is a busy and very satisfying life. At home? Writing on a project that goes well and then goes poorly depending on whether my ‘inner editor’ has anything to contribute - I try not to pay attention to her, except to say ‘thank you for that bit of insight’.

I had given myself a break from listening to CBC news and talk shows, and recently turned the radio on again. In the break, I started listening to a variety of things on the internet, attended a couple of Toastmaster’s meetings and one mayoralty debate. What I have gleaned from all of this, is that I have not paid attention to community politics while they have swirled around me. Victoria, as the other cities I have lived in, is a very vital city. My ideas of life have, as many of you may know, been as though wearing blinders. It is important, this concern of mine about addictions care and the housing issues that plague this population, especially now that the ‘grey wave’ is advancing. But the housing issues also relate to the infastructures that are necessary to create functioning and safe housing. I am part of this ‘grey wave’  - the over sixty five - and am curious about what and who makes up the community I live in. Do I just continue with appointments and groups and homemaking? Or step out into the community to learn and participate in my future?  

“The important thing is not to stop questioning. 
Curiosity has its own reason for existing.”
~ Albert Einstein

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