
Friday, June 26, 2015

Cultural Dissonance

It’s been hot today, the heat not the heat of the prairies or deserts, but heat that Victoria is not used to this early in the year. I’ve walked in the park tonight and watched families with little children picnicing, playing in playgrounds and in general, having a lovely, peaceful evening.

Between coming from work and going for my walk, I listened to the radio. To hear what’s going on in the world. Outside of here, outside this city, outside of this country there is crime, murder, death and destruction. Sadly, I am aware that much of the same occurs within this city and country as well. The weather is painted as only one of the culprits. Most really are human against human, brutally, senselessly and far too often.

The rose garden in the park has protections against deer and other wildlife that would enjoy the lovely buffet planted for beauty and enjoyment - not the deer. The fence was well designed, the gates only open one way and are quite heavy. On the inside are roses in shades of reds, peach, pinks and yellow. On the outside are many other varieties of flowers. Yarrow is one - not a preferred snack for the deer - a colourful and cheerful barrier outside the decorative fencing. Farther away is the Garry oak meadow where grasses and wild flowers are left to grow  - tastier and safer for the deer.

Could we, as a population, design our protections, our securities with kindness and as much care as we do our flower and vegetable gardens? An interesting thought.

“The reason why the world lacks unity, and lies broken 
and in heaps, is, because man is disunited with himself.”
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

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