
Friday, February 8, 2019


Eager sincerity outlasts a lot of things. Things I can’t think of right now. 

All I can think about is that I set myself up for this. Deciding on 

'Eager sincerity...' for a stem…the words just popped into my brain! 

Seemed like good idea at the time, but now? Not so much. So I apologize for this most inept musing. It is not in service of anything but writing a blog post. I’m writing this on Wednesday evening in preparation for two nursing shifts. You are reading it on Friday as I am preparing for a long work shift or while I am busily doing what nurses do at work. Silly thing, but that’s all I’ve got tonight!

“Children have one kind of silliness, as you know, 
and grown-ups have anther kind.”
~ C.S.Lewis

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