
Thursday, February 13, 2020

Taking a Break ~ 2

There’s a funny thing about the routines we have at home. They only seem to exist at home. Sticky little things that tag along in our suitcases and in our minds. When we go away, even if we take our ideas and ordinary things on a trip ~ long or short ~ they are out of place. Their place has been left behind in the structure we’ve created for ourselves within our own four walls. I can hear many voices, including my own, saying: “You’re on kind of a holiday. Leave home at home.” I do have trouble with that to a degree. First of all I take medication. That is one routine that should not be sidelined, whatever the holiday or vacation or 'away from home' time is. Being away from any health care team, besides not being able to enjoy a new environment, can create another set of problems that have nothing to do with fun.

Medication aside, some of our routines, rituals or habits can be integral to what we enjoy doing. I have learned to allow the timing to be flexible. Make the time used shorter. In regards to my blog entries, I find new topics for writing. That would be true for any artistic endeavour. And of course there is getting some created in advance so a quick click of my finger will post the prepared written work. There are many solutions individual to each person and situation. But there can be some guidelines:
  1. Be flexible. 
  2. Enjoy wherever you are.
  3. Eat different food
  4. Don’t have too many guidelines ~ or any at all
Today I’ve watched talk shows, the news and taken my grand-dog, Eva, for two walks. The second one was pretty short! Neither of us was happy about the cold rain soaking us. We squeaked inside the door, and towelled off before the wet and mud could get through the house. Paws wiped, raincoats (Eva’s and mine) hung to dry, my shoes left at the door we settled once more. Eva to her bed on the floor and me on the couch with the TV remote close at hand. When one is retired, there is seldom an official ‘vacation’ time, so any time……….Excuse me, lunch time……..

An hour (or maybe more) later ~ Pardon me. I took a break for some hot soup, a sandwich, texting with my son. I have to get back to the TV or a nap or both. 

“Almost everything will work again if you 
unplug it for a few minutes…..including you.”
~ Ann Lamott

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