
Monday, March 23, 2020

A Brilliant Day

Mondays have long been a time for me to begin my week. While working, there were many Mondays that were filled with the crazy busyness of picking up the backlog from the weekend. Mondays, since I’ve been in Victoria, has been my Walking group day. Initially our group leader took us all over Victoria to the different community parks and to University grounds. Our numbers have shrunk while our ages have gone the other direction. But rain or shine - and sometimes snow - we have kept walking together. Our route has not always been as expansive, now and then  with a little change in direction. Another neighbourhood and a different coffee shop. 

Then along came Social Distancing which has really put a cramp into each Monday’s social gathering. But then, there are those people in hospital or quarantined at home who are living and surviving in much closer quarters. Grateful that I am well, I laced up my shoes, put my windbreaker on and went walking anyway. The sun was warm, the wind cool and the streets only dotted with cars. I decided to go down towards the water. Smiled and said hello to passersby. Took some pictures along the way. A chalk message on a sidewalk; daffodils, their yellow trumpets, in bloom; and the sky, so broad and blue. But the scene that really spoke to me was the white froth edged waves on the restless Strait of Georgia.

I could wax philosophical or poetic about those waves, that grand part of the Pacific Ocean, but I just let those words swirl around in my head. It is Monday and a brilliant day for a walk outside in the world. 

I leave the last words to JFK  ~

“In a time of domestic crisis, men of goodwill and generosity 
should be able to unite regardless of party or politics.”
~ John F. Kennedy

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