
Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Chapter One, Episode 50 - Romance on the Agenda - Situationally Theirs

June 25, 2020
Review, Edit and Update
Initially I was pleased to see that some minor punctuation and unnecessary spaces were all that needed correcting. A most disconcerting gap was the Picnic Basket never made it out of the pantry! So I have added two sentences in one paragraph and another in the very last paragraph that brought the picnic basket out in the open.

Romance on the Agenda

James straightened his tie and smoothed his wavy black hair. Do I look too dressed up for a staff meeting? James ran his finger around the inside of his collar. This is not my best shirt, but it looks acceptable I don't want to look too dressed up. He smoothed his hair again, even if it was only one charmingly unruly curl that was out of place. He went to his desk for the thin sheath of agendas. It was a big day for James. Staff meetings on the Beaufort estate happened as regularly as clock work once a month. However it wasn’t the Staff Meeting that made this a big day. James was escorting Martha outside to the picnic table after the meeting. It would be their first ‘date’. Martha was still in the dark about this part of the plan. At least he hoped no one had ….what does Giles say…’spilled the beans’. 

James ticked off the agenda items and added another on his copy:

  1. Ideas about return to work and plans.
  2. Do we need a schedule for numbers of staff present each day.
  3. Precautions: gloves, masks, designated doors for exit and entry.
  4. Questions when Mrs. Beaufort is present: Job status and pay status
  5. Rumours
They all seemed acceptable. It did look like there would be more chat than covering real meaty staffing issues. No entertainment events scheduled at all. This pandemic had turned everyone’s world upside down. The estate and this little group of people seemed to be without much purpose. So that first item may be met with silence. #2 - That seemed pretty straight forward.  I wonder if Cook managed to get the picnic basket ready. The third item: He really had taken care of that one. It did seem a bit excessive for just the five of them. To start with he had really wanted this to be his regularly scheduled staff meeting, but as time wore on even he failed to see the necessity of these little get togethers. 


Cook breathed a sigh of relief. Today is the long promised Staff Meeting. Brigitte and Cook have the coffee on, a fresh pot of tea was steeping. There were only the five of them: Digby, Martha, Giles, Brigitte and Cook. Digby always invited Samuel, the gardener and yardman, but he seldom came unless he had a specific request for something. Mrs Beaufort was to arrive for a brief hello at 10:30. Digby still didn’t know what she wanted to say to everyone. 

Ordinarily they would all have been at the table sharing two plates of freshly baked cookies, but because of some well advised restrictions still in place they sat scattered like so many playing cards. Digby at the head of the long table, Martha facing him from the other end. Brigitte and Giles on opposite sides. Cook was not sitting, which really was not that unusual. She was often occupied in cooking something while everyone talked. She was adept at listening, throwing her two cents into the pot whether needed or not. Today, she had a big stew to make. In the guise of chopping up carrots and celery to braise, she was finishing up the picnic lunch for James and Martha. The day before, she came in after the house was quiet to make fried chicken and rolls. While the rolls were cooking she set up the picnic basket and hid it in the pantry. A mango spritzer and a small bottle of wine were in the very back of the refrigerator. Cook heard the back door.

“Martha is that you? Anyone else with you?”

“It’s me and no I’m quite on my own right now……….Oh, Elizabeth, you have those delicious oatmeal cookies out already. I’ll spoil my lunch if I eat more than one.” Martha came into the kitchen. “It’s warm enough out there that I didn’t even need my coat. Have you seen that sunshine? Where is the picnic table gone? It’s usually on the back patio. I thought we’d be meeting outside today.”

“It’s cooler in here Martha” Cook knew Martha would notice so she had a ready reply. “Besides, I’ve got this cooking to do.”

“Well then it won’t stay cool for very long will it, you silly thing, you.” Both women laughed while Martha poured tea for both of them.

“I suppose it will heat up in here before long.”

“Where is James? I’m surprised he’s not already sitting down with his agendas all arranged. He’s usually the first to get here and the last to leave on Staff Meeting day.”

“I think he’s still in his office getting ready. This must be a big day for him. Two months without a sit down with the four of us. And Mrs. Beaufort expected too!” Cook really wanted to blurt out about the picnic surprise Martha was about to get,  This meeting was really a pretence and a set up. It’s about time that James did something about this. I know he’s had his eye on her for years and hasn’t known what to do about it.  Cook just kept chopping and stirring. “You just sit down, Martha and drink your tea.”

The meeting went smoothly. Jobs were secure although hours were reduced, at least for now. Paycheques would reflect this reduction. It was mutually agreed to keep each other notified of when they were coming in, so no schedule was needed or wanted. From this forced retreat into themselves, they had blossomed and learned to accept their own paces. Including Mrs. Beaufort, who introduced herself as Emelina. “I am your employer. However please know that I am approachable and want to hear any of your ideas to create something good out of this place. You are no longer to call me ‘madam’. I will answer to Mrs.B., Miss Emelina or even just plain Emmie. We have a lot to be grateful for and I know I am grateful to each and everyone of you. ….I think that’s all I have to say, Digby. Dez and I will be going into town now, so carry on and just lock up when you’re done.”

When the meeting broke up, everyone disappeared except James and Martha. “Oh goodness, James. I wanted to talk with Elizabeth before she got away.” Martha hadn't seen Cook slip into the pantry, come out with a picnic basket and leave quickly. Giles and Brigitte blocked her view by standing and busily talking about how to address Mrs. Beaufort.

“Martha, everyone left quickly because I asked them to do so.”

“You did? Why James? Why would you do that?”

“Come with me, Martha. Do you remember when we first came here? Both of us young and full of energy.”

“Why, yes I do, James. And you haven’t changed one bit. You are still as handsome and charming as ever." If Digby was a man given to blushing he would have shone when Martha said that.

“I always wanted to ask you for even just a stroll. I definitely did not have enough confidence to ask you for a real date.”

“I always wanted you to ask me. As a matter of fact, I was so annoyed that you didn’t I found someone else and married him. He was a good man and he gave me Joanie. Little Ben and Abby are my precious gems. But my feelings for you have only gotten deeper, James……….I have to stop this talk. I’m getting all mushy and I know you don’t like mushy.”

“You’re right Martha, I don’t like mushy. I am hungry though. What about you?”

“Now that you mention it I am a bit peckish, even after one of those big cookies. Should I see what’s in the refrigerator? Maybe the stew is still hot.” Martha started to the refrigerator as she was talking.

James stepped into her path, and put his arm around her shoulders. He gently turned her towards the front door and began walking toward it. "I have a better idea. Come with me."

“James, what are you………oh, James look. The picnic table.” Martha looked up at James Edward Digby. He was smiling and no longer nervous. Even the air was still. On the old red picnic table, two places had been set, with linen napkins, china and silver cutlery. A charming picnic basket rested at one end of the table. A single yellow rose lay across one delicate plate. James looked up at the dining room window. The shadow girl with blonde ringlets waved and vanished.

“My soul will find yours”
~Jude Deveraux,
A Knight in Shining Armour

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