
Thursday, December 10, 2020

Book Review: Sorry I Missed You by Suzy Krause

It was a pleasure to meet Suzy Krause, author of Sorry I Missed You, at our book club meeting over Zoom this evening. The first half of our gathering was listening to Suzy Krause answer our questions. She discussed her writing practice, the development of Sorry I Missed You and the character development for her novel.

Sorry I Missed You, set in Regina, is the development of the sometimes tumultuous, or just hilarious, relationships between three women - Maude in her 70’s and a Regina native, 19 year old Mackenzie from small town Saskatchewan and Sunna, who had just been transferred from Toronto. Each of the women had secrets that were slowly revealed throughout the book. They had each moved into separate and newly renovated apartments in an old house rumoured to have ghosts in the attic. Owned by Larry, a punk music aficionado of days gone by, had inherited the house from his aunt and was bound by convoluted terms in her will that prevented him from living in it. A torn and unaddressed letter is the hook that draws out the women’s secrets, accompanied by ghosts in the attic, a bomb threat downtown and odd characters that seemed out of place, were woven skillfully in this quirky sto.ry. A twist at the end reveals the deepest secret of all.

“The ghost isn’t the person; it’s the feelings attached to the person.”

~ Suzy Krause Sorry I Missed You

Author: Suzy Krause

Copyright:  2020

Publisher: Lake Union Publishing, Seattle

Type: Novel

Format: Fiction

ISBN - 13:9781542010207

ISBN - 10:1542010209

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