
Thursday, December 3, 2020

The 'Others'

The 'Others'

“Awareness of others? You’ve got to be kidding. I am barely aware of myself let alone others. Besides that, this social distancing thing and wearing masks sends the wrong message as far as I’m concerned. When I walk past one of those ‘others’ you talk about, I almost feel like turning and running the other way. Some people look positively scared. And it’s hard to get a smile out of anyone and if someone does smile at me, I can’t tell unless their smile goes all the way up to their eyes.”

“So you are aware of others then.”

“What do you mean?

“You feel separate and almost antagonized by them. Do you ever wonder why people seem so scared?”


A Rant:

This is a conversation I imagined this morning. On the way to a drugstore this afternoon, I passed a few people, most not wearing masks, and a few that were. I had not had a mask on while I was walking on my own and no distancing was required, but when foot traffic increased, I stopped, put my mask on, and left it on until I did my shopping and was once more outside walking only own. I knew, at least I believed I knew and believe I know, that I am not even a carrier of the Covid 19 virus. And yet, I wear a mask. Partly because it is recommended, but partly because I don’t know who is a carrier of this invisible virus - where a viral threat may be hidden.

As I watched the news tonight the refrain was repeated again about the economy and the rights of others. A retired nurse, I thought of the rights of the nurses and all other health care workers that are being trampled on by those that disagree with the health recommendations.  As the mother of a small businessman I thought of his rights and how they have been pushed and shoved around by the presence of this virus. The rights of those that do get sick, the rights of families of those that have lost a loved one, and the rights of so many with other medical problems, seem absolutely ignored. Their grief, their dedication and hard work expected! No matter that they are all more than exhausted mentally, physically and emotionally. Is it because we can’t see them unless we do watch the news or know someone affected by this virus? Being aware of all the others is just logical and polite.

“What is hard work? It takes strength, energy, and stress to truly care about others enough to place oneself last, but it is easy to wrap oneself up and selfishly scramble on the head of others.”

~ Criss Jami, Killosophy

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