
Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Heart Felt

Heart Felt

Intuition, or more plainly, gut feelings told Dolores that her plan to move forward in her job was not a well thought out plan. It set her back on her heels. She could usually trust this inner quiver when she was about to misstep. So she decided to write the list her grandfather had always suggested when she came to him for advice about some decision she had to make, but was unsure. Pros and Cons. She closed her office door, always a sign to her colleagues: ‘Do Not Disturb. The list she drew up was not that long, but seemed incomplete. Pros: a better paycheque. Cons: stepping into a more stressful area of the energy business. Could she do it? Dolores was confident that she was definitely up to the task. She frequently had to step in and fill in for someone at the higher levels. She picked up her pen again. ‘Frequent travel' went on the ‘con’ side. While she loved to travel with her work, right now there were too many airline related Covid cases popping up in her area. She knew she was strict following the recommended routines, and some suggested she was got a little bit over the top. She could not be as confident with everyone else. And her grandfather was depending on her to care for him. 

Dolores stood confidently. She walked and looked out the window of her office on the sixth floor. “I know what I need to do and what I want to do.” Her parents had traveled abroad, against her better judgement, and had become trapped in Italy. They would return to Canada via Toronto, but would have to quarantine before returning to the west coast. There was no one else her grandfather could depend on except for the care home staff. She added one more thing to her list: ‘Grandfather needs me here’.  To the birds and the sky outside she said. “If and when mom and dad get back, I can always see if I still want to move up the ladder.” Dolores smiled and sighed. When the quiver inside settled and her shoulders relaxed, she knew she had reached the right decision. 

“Intuition is the nose of the heart.”

~ Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

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