
Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Hester and Fredrick

Hester and Fredrick 

Hester and Fredrick were new in the neighbourhood. As youngsters they had been relocated far north of the lake where they were born. In their new home, they had mated, but Hester was uncomfortable nesting in such a cold place. In the spring, when a large flock gathered to fly south, Hester heard that they would be returning to the lake they missed so very much. Fredrick had settled quite nicely. He had found friends and loved the terrain. But he and Hester were much better friends. It didn’t matter to him where he raised a brood of chicks. 

“Do you see that human coming toward us, Fredrick? Do you think our chicks are hidden? The grasses are so thin here.”

“We’ll just keep it in our sight. Humans seem to be cautious around us. Just stand tall…….See…It’s backing away. We’ll all be just fine.”


Fredrick was right. I am cautious around geese. Especially with a clutch of six chicks!

“Perhaps it takes courage to raise children.”

~ John Steinbeck, East of Eden

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