
Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Chapter Two, Episode Forty - Change of Plans - Situationally Theirs

Change of Plans 

Their plan had been too sudden. Although everyone had been willing and able to help set up a party picnic, the couple had their own plans for the weekend Dr. Jeremy had time off. Martha and Elizabeth were disappointed. Dr. Jeremy had taken Miss Em out to a restaurant for her birthday dinner. Because it was such a lovely day, they were able to sit at the tables between sidewalk and restaurant. Miss Em called downstairs to Cook. “We’re going out, Cook - you won’t need to send up any food. I don’t know when we’ll be back.” 

Cook called Martha right away. “Martha, you’d best call everyone and tell them the reception is off again.”………..”No. They’ve gone out. Miss Em just told me and I can see them driving away right now.”………”Don’t cry Martha. We just didn’t plan things. We were in too much of a hurry.”………..”I was still upset about Lily’s passing and you were helping me out. Neither one of us got any sleep that night.”…….. “Come for coffee in the morning” ……. “Here at the estate - I’ll be here by seven.” …….. “Ok, dear. Everything will be all right and we’ll still have this party. When I’m using the dumbwaiter, I can hear them talking, but usually ignore it. None of my business. But Dr. Jeremy was saying that he had ten days off coming up.”……… “Yes, that will give us time to make a real plan. Days should be cooler by then!”……. “You and James stay cool as well. Keep your windows closed and the air on.”…. “Good by, Martha.”  Cook laughed out loud. “No everyone doesn’t think we’re crazy. They’ve always known we’re crazy!.” 

Cook punched the off icon on her phone, still chuckling. “Poor Martha. Somehow, I’ll get that picnic for her if I have to lock that pair upstairs and post a guard.” Still chuckling, Cook turned off all but the stove lights. Walking over to James’ office, she tapped on his door and poked her head in. “Picnic’s off, James. I’ve called Martha and told her the details. Good night, James, I’m on my way home, now.” 

James looked up from his work. “Good night, Elizabeth. I’d better be off then too. Martha’s going to need a shoulder to cry on. 

“I will prepare and some day my chance will come.”

~ Abraham Lincoln

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