
Friday, September 24, 2021

I Am From

I am from an old barn and wooden granaries long gone,

dust motes sliding down sunbeams through tired roof and walls,

from an ancient saddle, desiccated and worn

atop a old fence - a feisty mustang riding a far away range

I am from quilts of golden grain, purple flax and yellow mustard, long train whistles, grumbling tractors and dusty dirt roads, 

glittering sunshine and abundant gardens gathered into the kitchen,

from corn husks, canners full of peas or beans,

I am from a plentiful pantry and freezer filled for wintertime meals 

and feasting from all those things that grew our large, noisy family.

“It’s always good to remember where you come from and celebrate it. 

To remember where you come from is part of where you’re going.”

~ Anthony Burgess


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