
Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Chapter Two, Episode Fifty-Four - Gifted - Situationally Theirs


“Isn’t this exciting, Elizabeth! All this hustle and bustle almost makes this matronly house feel like the old days. You and I running about getting everything organized. The only thing that’s different is Miss Em. You remember, she would be upstairs with that darned bell ringing for Brigitte. Sending her orders downstairs and demanding she get right back up. Now, she’s been right down here with us. It’s been all I could do to stop her from moving furniture herself.” Cook’s only replies were ‘Yes, Martha dear’ or ‘You’re so right, Martha dear.’ She straightened up, both hands on her back and stretched backwards. “Don’t you think it’s about time for a cup of tea. I’ve put the kettle on and the tea jar is beside the pot. Giles has taken Miss Em into the city to pick up her sister. Joey’s out talking to Samuel then he’s on his way home. He took Samuel’s lunch out to him and I made sure to put extra in for him. He’ll bring in the basket before he goes.”

Martha was as excited as Elizabeth had seen her in a long time. She would be sharing James office with him. A tight squeeze, her desk was moved in beside his. The comfortable wingback chair was moved out and into what was now Dez's room. Before Joey went out to see Samuel, lunch in hand, he had helped Martha with red, blue and pink balloons and a Welcome to Your Second Home sign for her door.  James just stayed out of the way. Cook had been cooking for two days filing the freezer with main dishes and soup that Miss Dez  could warm up when she wasn’t there. They were going to have a ramp built to the back stairs into the house, but Miss Em said to put that off until they knew for sure if it would be needed. Joey said he could come back whenever he was needed. 


The physiotherapist knocked sharply and came in brusquely. “Good morning, Miss Eliot. I understand you’re going home today. I’ve had time to come up and give you your last physic session up here.” Dez was dressed and just waiting for her sister. She was surprised, not expecting anymore physio once the doctor had discharged her. “What more do I need?” The therapist looked briefly at her notes. “Well, we did cover stair steps. From what you’ve told me of your apartment, you really won’t have many at all to deal with. Will you have enough room to walk a good length every day?” Dez thought a moment. “I can go out into the hall and walk up and down every day. If the weather is nice and the elevator is working, I’ll be able get outside. There’s only a few steps, about four or five to the sidewalk, so I’ll get that exercise as well. I’ll get my sister to walk with me when she can.” Dez’s phone buzzed. “It’s my sister calling. I’ll keep it short.” The therapist folded up her notes. “That’s quite all right. I’ll be going now and good luck. If you have any concerns, here’s my card.”

“Hi, Em. I’m so glad you called! I’m all ready to go. The physiotherapist was just here and gave me my final session. It wasn’t much, oh and were you able to get my fridge filled up?……” Dez stopped. “But that’s not right, Em. I can’t impose on all of you. I mean, it’s good of you, but I’ll be all right.”

“Dez, Giles and I will be here to pick you up in an hour. I’m at your apartment right now getting some of your things. Please… Cook and Martha have turned the house upside down getting ready for you. I want to take care of you, to help you get better. We can walk the track a little bit at a time while you get stronger. You’ll have better cooking than you have at home - don’t forget, I’ve eaten your cooking. You’ll be able to get out to the orchard whenever you want. Please Dez.” Emelina was almost desperate.

Dez’s face relaxed into a smile. “Ok, Em. I’ll do it for you. Staying out at the Estate will be good for me - and you’re right about my cooking. To be honest, I was a little scared about being stuck up in my apartment all the time. Now, I’ll let you go so both of us can finish getting ready.”

Dez sat still and quiet on the edge of her bed, still holding her phone. Mrs. Gordon in the next bed, broke her silence. “What is it dear? Bad news or good news? I hope that therapist person didn’t upset you. Was that your sister on the phone? I hope she’s a good sister, dear. I certainly don’t have anyone to take care of me. My sister’s been gone since the ’90’s leaving me all alone……………”

Dez had tuned the dear old thing out. She would wait patiently for Em and maybe she’d come back and visit her.

“No one has ever become poor by giving.”

~ Anne Frank, diary of Anne Frank: the play


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