
Friday, October 8, 2021

The Birds

Never-never land - from 10 a.m. punching this number for that department a hundred times (well maybe only five times), being on hold for an hour and then leaving my number for a call back which has yet to come.......

But I’d rather talk about the birds. It was on a morning walk a couple of days ago. Rounding the end of the Wascana Migratory Bird Sanctuary, the sight was amazing. The air was just under crisp, the sun warm, fall reddened gold with the rustle of drying bulrushes lining the shores. And beautiful birds. Birds scattered on the waters, flying in to land in groups or singles, floating and gathering as far as my eyes could see. The air was filled with the sound of these fascinating creatures calling, honking and crying to each other. This cluster close to me held more than one species. Pelicans, Canada geese, ducks, gulls and I’m sure there were cormorants in there somewhere. Even the Canada geese dove, tails up, for a soggy bottom snack! Hadn’t seen that before. 

This was a much more magical Never-never Land.

“You just think lovely wonderful thoughts,” Peter explained,

“and they lift you up in the air.”

~ James Barrie

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