
Friday, November 19, 2021

Forever Stories....and Stories....and Stories...

There are always stories

Even across a frozen lake

Skating parties, skiers,

Waterfowl and rabbits

But tonight’s story is far more interesting. I was led through a hallway by pink plastic flashlight by a two year old adventurer after animals and a monster or two. Four stuffed animals were found, set side by side on her bed and promptly dispatched to the tune of ‘four stuffed animals jumping on a bed, one fell off and fell upon his head’ ……..over and over and over and over and.… You probably get the picture. ….and over. Fortunately for the animals, no heads were actually broken. No monsters were found - all banished from the bedroom - and not really scary anyway.

“A two year old is kind of like have a blender, but you don’t have a top for it.”

~ Jerry Seinfeld


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