
Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Chapter Two, Episode Eighty-Three - Off Again - Situationally Theirs

Off Again

“Sensibilities are something I’ve never been good at, Sonja. You know that.” Thom looked troubled. “I know but you can’t just walk away from your brother like that. It would be like all those years ago when you first left home. Sonja looked back and saw James and Martha coming from their car.  They’re almost here, Thom.” In a quick whisper, he said “Can we keep it short, though? It really is too hard for me.”

“What about James? Don’t you think it’s difficult for him as well? ………. Martha, so sorry we raced on ahead of you. I guess I’ve been away from home too long.” Sonja really was relieved to be going home. It had been such an interesting visit, seeing Vancouver Island for the first time, even if it was limited to the Estate. A wonderful visit with Thom’s family, being on the grounds where he and his brother had grown up. Still she missed her own bed and the brightness of the snow. “Sonja, please, no apologies are necessary. You must have felt like quite alone sometimes, not knowing any of us. We’ve got a few minutes before the ferry leaves. Elizabeth gave me a thermos of tea and some cookies. Let’s sit over there under the tree while the men say their good-byes.”


“James, let’s keep this short. I don’t want to leave home again, but my home with Sonja is also my home. I just don’t want you to think…………..” His words trailed off. He looked at his brother and then hugged him….quickly.

James stood back, his face a mask. “Thom, I dont want you to, that’s not right. Yes it is......” Unusual for James, his words made no sense. Martha had often told him he couldnt talk about his emotions. He squared his shoulders. “Thom, we have to stop this silliness. You have a home in the mountains with Sonja, but you always have a home here. You’re not that twenty year old anymore.

“You’re right, James. I’m just being a silly old fool. Why don’t you and Martha come to the mainland this summer? There’s some darn good fishing lakes up there. And Samuel, Ill call him and get him there too. And Elizabeth......Oh, there they are. Sonja, we need to get home. We’ll have lots of company this summer.

Sonja and Martha smiled and nodded knowingly to each other. “Yes, Martha and I were just discussing your visit this summer. She’ll be talking to Elizabeth and James, you’ll be talking with Samuel.

“It's the emptiest and yet the fullest 

of all human messages: Good-bye.

~ Kurt Vonnegut, Bluebeard


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