
Monday, June 27, 2022

A Simple Task

It was a simple task. Just go down to SaskPower and talk to a real person about my upcoming move. A windy day with beautiful sunshine, I took the bus partway and then strolled the few blocks to……..a construction zone! Regina’s beautiful power building seemed under attack but in reality is being ‘reconstructed’. An insistent jack hammer assailed my senses! Men and women poured cement, smoothed cement and despite swirling dust, none of them had safety masks on. Hesitating, I scanned for an entrance to the offices. Just past the noise and the dust, office workers filed into a tunnel of plywood on their return from lunch, showing me the way. 

I did manage to talk to a real person, but after talking to the security guard who directed me to a little telephone on a little table ~ already in use. Construction noise muted, I passed the time watching a still steady stream of office workers slide their employee badges past the turnstile sensors and disappear into one of four elevators. Ten minutes later, I spoke to that real person and in moments my simple task was accomplished.

“Simple can be 
harder than complex.”  
~ Steve Jobs

1 comment:

Betty said...

very descriptive! I found a wedding ring nearby, wondered if a worker lost it...contacted everyone I could think of but no response