
Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Chapter Two, Episode 103 - Fessing up - Situationally Theirs

Fessing up

Samuel had been working away all day, keeping quiet about his wonderings. He thought he knew Elizabeth, but had never seen the teacup above the stove that Martha told him about. He knew that she had a sister in England and that they had written to one another. He had comforted her when Lily passed. But there had been nothing said about their childhood. As a matter of fact, if he ever questioned her about the growing up years, she would find something she had to do, get quiet or just change the subject. He knew she had traveled all across Canada before arriving on the Island. Samuel supposed it really was none of his business but it did worry his thinking. He raked up the drooping and dead plants in his garden, combing the rich land as he went. Bushes and shrubs were still green and lush, keeping the land green through the winter. There were a few plants left ~ straggling zucchini and one lone tomato plant, determined to keep producing good, juicy tomatoes. He could have pulled them out, started to, but shook his head and walked away

Samuel had been in on the deception for Matt and Miss Dez. He liked Matt. They could talk soil and weather, tools and planting, harvest and provincial quotas. He’d always liked Miss Dez. Proud of her for taking on the orchard, even though she didn’t seem to know the first thing about apples or trees. When the two of them were obviously wanting to talk about more than orchards, he told Elizabeth. She said she thought there was more; that Miss Dez seemed to glow whenever Matt had been helping her out. Then there was that one time Elizabeth started to tell Samuel something. He put his rake up in the shed, hung it on the peg by the door. Scratching his head, he just couldn’t let it go. Muttering into the darkness of the shed he said “When was that? I think……let’s see….. she was still in England?” He closed and locked the shed door. Beating his hat against his leg to get the dust out, he said “Darn dusty old place. Well, Elizabeth’s cooking supper for me tonight. So I’ll get home and cleaned up. Guess I’ll ask her about it then.” 


Elizabeth had gone from one kitchen to the other. She had supper ready with a note for Dr. Jeremy and Miss Em. She still had trouble saying ‘Mrs. Em’. Miss Em finally told her to stop worrying about it. That eased her mind. But her mind was still troubled. Not about Miss Em, but about Samuel. It was one reason why she wanted to cook him supper tonight. She had to get it off her mind. No one else was to know, especially not Martha. Her secret didn’t seem like much compared to the goings on these days, but it was still hers. She could trust Samuel to keep quiet. Her own kitchen didn’t have the ears that the Estate kitchen did. She heard Samuel’s two sharp knocks and then come into the house. “Come on in Samuel, supper’s ready. And I’ve got something to tell you.” Samuel hung his jacket and hat on the hooks by the front door. “Sure smells good, Elizabeth. Whatever it is, you can tell me over supper.” He took the plates from her and helped to set the table. Elizabeth set the roast and mashed potatoes in the middle of the table. Samuel dished up the steamed broccoli and set it by the potatoes. Elizabeth poured them each a glass of water. “I’ll make tea while we eat our pie.” They sat down, held hands and blessed the food. It was a private ritual for the couple. 

“Now. What is it you wanted to tell me, Elizabeth?” A long silence accompanied only by the carving knife cutting the roast. She put a big slice on Samuel’s plate and passed him the potatoes.

“I’m behaving like the silly girl I was in England.” She served herself meat and potatoes, poured gravy on them both. “Broccoli, Samuel?” He stayed quiet and took the vegetables from her. “Before I left England, I was almost married. I didn’t…..I couldn’t stay.” It was unlike her to be so hesitant. Always short and to the point. Samuel put his hand over hers. “Just eat your supper Elizabeth. We can talk about this later.”


Tea and apple pie over, dishes done, Elizabeth had come back to herself. Then it all spilled out. Just like the silly girl I was in England. I guess I’ve kept it secret for so long that it got too big inside me. My young man was beautiful, kind and funny. We made eyes at each other for months. Finally two of our friends set us up the same as with Miss Dez and Mr. Matt. Oh, our nights together were like magic.” She saw Samuel’s eyebrows raise ever so slightly ~ along with his sly grin. “Samuel, I wanted so much to bring him with me, but he couldn’t leave England and his family. Begged me to stay, but I wanted more. I wanted adventure.” She looked squarely at Samuel “Was I wrong?”

“Is there anymore of that pie? If I was him, I'd still be cryin’ that I had let you go.” Elizabeth relaxed in a laugh. “Is that all you can think of? More pie? I’ve been worrying myself for years ~ missing him everyday. Keeping a secret ‘til that memory was too awkward to carry.” She should have been angry with Samuel when he asked for more pie! But her heart felt good.


They talked long into the night. The fly on the wall only heard soft words and laughter. Samuel locked the front door and turned out the lights. Elizabeth called to him from the bedroom. “Bring me a glass of water when you come, Samuel.” 

…it’s a blessed thing to love and feel love in return.”

 ~ E.A.Bucchianeri, Brushstrokes of a Gadfly


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