
Thursday, December 22, 2022

Story Telling

“You’ve dressed me up with finery,

'neath the grandest Story Tree of all, 

yet ask of me to tell you, 

what story to tell this eve. 

Look all around you 

in the home you’ve landed in

and tell me 

there’s no story here at all?”

I listened to the wise old tree

and gave his trunk a hug

for each step I’ve stepped,

fallen and stood up,

each mile I’ve traveled

‘round twists and turns has

brought me to this place today.

The wise old tree nodded as if to ask 

“what more is there to tell?”

A lovely shiver sped down my spine

as memories came to me

of family, friends, and mentors

living many life times with me,

sharing laughter, tears and just a day.

We’ve all come through good times and bad,

letting go and hanging on;

believing in each other when 

everything seems quite done.

As long we keep our steps a-stepping,

keep family, friends, and mentors in our lives 

we’ve stories we can tell.

“My friends have made the story of my life,

In a thousand ways they have turned

my limitations into beautiful privileges.”

~ Helen Keller


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