
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Moving with the Weather - Chapter One

A rainy west coast early morning
just as the wind is awakening
asks my soul to stay curled up 
by the fireplace
on the sofa
somewhere warm with a good book and gentle music.

Active, busy energy for the outside world 
must be forced past 
the sluggish feeling of hibernation that comes over me
paralleled with 
echoes of mom’s voice remind me
“you’re afraid you’re going to miss something”
remind me that I never did like to settle quietly for
nap time, quiet time

So it is not 
melancholy, or sadness
but resistance!
My inner child wants to wake up,
move at the speed of her own choosing!
Resistance to a power much greater than me.
The weather......

After almost six and a half decades 
I give in to this quiet calmness,
different energy stirring.

Slow and steady as sweet cool molasses
dropping gently from a jar.

What would I miss?
The opportunity to savour a rainy west coast early morning.

I am sure it is a great mistake always to know enough
to go in when it rains.  One may keep snug and dry by
such knowledge, but one misses a world of loveliness.”
- Adeline Knapp

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