
Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Today, I had an early morning dream that, four hours after waking, 
I still remembered.
Dreams fragile as spiderwebs in morning dew.
This one with true spidey-strength,
clung fast in my mind despite 
morning routines
a good breakfast
a long phone call with a friend.

Dreaming driving down a highway at night
followed by an elderly lady in a similar car,
turning sharply down a dirt road,
stopping abruptly at the lane way 
to a friend’s farm house from my childhood.
The exterior unchanged,
the women and the home inside, 

Cars, parked across the road I came in on,
scattered on either side of the lane,
disappearing - even mine!
How was I to get home?

Night time!
Disappearing cars!
tow trucks appear,
police officers 

A daytime dream from several years ago 
clings more surely to my mind,
shrouded in air as cloudy as this morning's dream.
An unfocussed picture of what 
could be
might be
should be

That dream has been pushed aside many times,
gathering it’s own spiderwebs and dust
but occasionally, in prodding around in my mind’s attic,
I wipe away spiderwebs and dust and view my
nursing career 
colleagues and friends
development of a daily writing practice and skills.

Is the fulfillment of that dream
just around the corner of a similar dirt road,
or am I still on the highway
being followed by an old lady in a car like mine?

“Dreams come in a size too big 
  so that we may grow into them.”
~ Josie Bisset

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