
Sunday, October 21, 2012

Rocks in a Western Sea

Great rocks buried beneath the waves,
their rising humps seem awfully brave.
Each day met with sun or cloud, and trod upon by a noisy crowd 
of seagulls, crows, dogs and me when we walk by this western sea.

The ocean covers more or less 
when tides roll in upon the mess 
of sea life clinging to the rocks;
icy water gives them shock, 
and quiet tides a bit of rest,
shallow water being best.

Looking down through water clear,
I see the folds of rock that steer
deep waters in from west or east
around this silent, solid beast.
The giant rocks as God created,
all to the Universe are mated. 

Pebbles small, boulders large, 
gigantic mountains all submerge,
to live outside man’s laws and creeds,
and lying still they do no deeds.
Caring not for good or bad,
they have not feelings, gay or sad.

A rumpled foundation for wayward feet,
the earth argues not, each time we meet.

“Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.”
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

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