
Saturday, November 17, 2012

The Time of my Dying is not... or even next year.
I’ve made up my mind.
I don't have time to be old!

Hibernation would be my choice, but for today ~
hiding myself away in a bed alone and covered to my eyebrows seems rather boring, don’t you think?

As long as I can, I’ll continue every morning to get myself dressed, ready for challenges of the mundane and the fun.

I am certainly  ~ most definitely ~
not at the stage where my bottom has to be wiped by a stranger!
There are days when I'm pretty darn tired........

Today, I’m going to get my hair done.
My shoulders are too stiff to do much more than 
pat hair spray to keep my curly locks in place.

Then I’m off to the library for more books.
I always longed for time to read,
whatever and for however long I wanted.

A favourite topic is the time of dying - my dying, although no one's written anything about me.

Are you offended or shocked?
Using the word dying?
Applying it to myself?
And to now?

We often think of it as though it must always be
Sudden! Tragic!
And oh, so very Sad.
A thing ~ not a process ~ that all of us go to, and through, unwillingly.

We don’t think of the Choice to cuddle into the going out,
as we were cuddled into our entering in.

Certainly some deaths are tragic in Unexpected Suddenness,
just as some births are tragic in Unexpected Suddenness

And there are Births and Deaths occurring on the same day no less!
Spirits joining in the moment to give each other directions.
One spirit sliding into home at the beginning of this earthly game.
One spirit soaring into heights unknown at earthly game’s end.

In Death personality unravels ~ a person passes from family large or small.
Unknown soul direction into the great beyond to be wished for, speculated about and believed in.

In Birth, personality not yet molded ~ a child born to family large or small.
Soul’s direction into this world to be wished for, speculated about and believed in.

“Nobody grows old merely by living a number of years. We grow old by deserting our ideals. Years may wrinkle our skin, 
but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.”
~ Samuel Ullman

1 comment:

Janet said...

When I was very, very young, I said to my Mom that I could not tell the difference between a wedding and a funeral, because everyone was all emotional (not the word I used at the time), got dressed up, and went to church, not on Sunday, for something special about someone. Mom was horrified and said I should not talk like that and how could I possibly confuse them, and "Hush!". Maybe it was those spirits I heard wishing everyone well whether they were joining the spirits or getting married here on earth.