
Friday, November 23, 2012

Universal Rules

There are rules in the Universe
not necessarily a published handbook to read and understand.

Religions each have their own handbook.
Secularists look to philosophers for guidance.
Instinct and intuition are two guides to such rules.
Watch, feel and flow with nature and weather.
Know that we are a part of the dynamism of nature
despite our convenient world of technology.

I do not dispute the destruction done by 
natural forces of the universe
paralyzing snowstorms
flash floods
volcanic eruption
pull of moon, sun and stars

Listening to 
trees and wind
sun, rain or snow
birds, animals and fish;
watching the movement of
sun and moon
tells stories of life and living,
how and when to survive.
Weather and nature is ever reliable.

“When one tugs at a single thing in nature,
he finds it attached to the rest of the world.”
~ John Muir

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