
Friday, February 22, 2013

A Windy Day

Stillness passed the night quietly
Cold rain fell steadily in grey morning
Back alley asphalt puddled and dark

Ambivalent wind pushed clouds in circling gusts, with blue sky gaining space in early afternoon
despite the skyward tug of war.

To Flying Otter restaurant for lunch with a friend.
A fitting name on such a windy day, 
the restaurant edged a marina with boats anchored securely.

Warm sunshine poured through porch’s bright windows
blustery gale splashed cold drops up and over onto diners
Deep water rolled resting boats indelicately

Walking through downtown, blue sky reigned
sun shone atop sidewalk, street and buildings
while the wind raced frantically down asphalt corridors.

Home in the quiet warmth of my office
cloudy darkness fell in front of the sun
angry wind raged and shook the house.

Torrents of rain lashed slatted windows
Whistling wind not far behind
Back alley asphalt puddled and dark.

“How many things are now at loose ends!
Who knows which way the wind will blow tomorrow?”
~ Henry David Thoreau

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