
Thursday, February 7, 2013

Space in Time

Is this adventure into space really the final frontier or the opening of a door to the next room of this universe?

My memory fails me to date and time, but I recall Grandpa Garratt, one eye blind, in his living room, watching black and white TV through his one ancient eye still clouded with cataracts and thick lensed glasses as a rocket lifted into space.

I thought of him today while I listened to, and saw, the conversation between Commander Chris Hadfield, a Canadian astronaut, aboard the space station ISS and William Shatner aka James T. Kirk, Captain of the fictional Starship Enterprise as they spoke over satellite channels this morning. The camera was on Cmdr. Hadfield floating in space, words strong and down to earth.

I listened and watched on this very laptop.
I thought of Grandpa sometime in the space of the 1960’s.
Always interested, these marvellous advances would have fascinated him.

“In more than one respect, the exploring of the Solar System 
and homesteading other worlds constitutes the beginning, 
much more than the end, of history.”
~ Carl Sagan

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