
Monday, April 1, 2013

Humour - A Theme for April, 2023

‘Write what you know’ - one of the first rules of writing. 
Some would say this topic isn’t for me without a lot of research. 
Early morning decisions throw down risky challenges.  

Wikipedia, very accessible at 5:45 a.m., an aid and comfort in a time of need, did offer very a very serious definition:
‘The tendency of particular cognitive experiences to provoke laughter and provide amusement. The term derives from the humoral medicine of the ancient Greeks, which taught that the balance of fluids in the human body, known as humors (Latin: humor, ‘body fluid’), control human health and emotion.”

Writing put away,
work day to the fore, 
certainty that thirty days about humour would be a piece of cake,
I carried on to my breakfast first!

Humour was on my mind all day.
I went about my work with my ears tuned to sound. 
What made them laugh? 
What kind of laughter - 
joyful laughter, 
derisive laughter, and 
chuckles about silliness.  
(I’m sure there were more types of laughter.)
But what was so funny? (I seemed to be saying that all day!)

Hearing about a ‘good sense of humour’ - a pretty common phrase - I wanted to ask the meaning, but rushed off to complete my duties. 
I really am not sure I know what that phrase means, even though I’ve used it myself many times.

What I do know about humour is that it is an unspoken bridge that can be crossed in any situation - whether of sadness, joy or any deep emotion. Gentle humour seems unerringly to find the chink in armour thick and unyielding.

So this month should be interesting - and who knows - it may wind up being a very short ‘theme’ month!

“There’s nothing like a gleam of humor to reassure you that 
a fellow human being is ticking inside a strange face.”
~ Eva Hoffman

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