
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Winning the Lottery

The lottery. Did you hear about the fellow today that won billions of dollars? Many a discussion has occurred starting with ‘What would you do if you won....’  followed by cars, homes, paying debts, making sure all the family were taken care of, then traveling the world - or just going off to some desert island.

I was told one time that I’d ‘probably buy a hospital’. I’ve thought about that over the years. Maybe at one time I would have. However, I’ve worked in several hospital systems since I graduated nursing in 1968. I would certainly try to provide some kind of services to someone, but changing the ever growing systems in health care? That would be what I’d prefer. I’m not sure that would be found money well spent.

Of course if I did do such a thing, there would have to be several parameters:
1. Total control
2. No competition.
3. Everyone in complete consensus at all times.

Hmmm.....Job title: dictator. No ethics required. 
Not a position I would apply for.
(Oh - and I would have to buy at least one ticket.)

Forget the lottery. Bet on yourself.”
~ Brian Koslow

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