
Friday, September 6, 2013

Re-connecting Humanity

A heart torn by thoughts swaddled
in past present future
and what if 
and must do 
and no one else will help.

Finding the spot of care and logic
in a careworn and illogical life
to bring focus and calm awareness
no matter if a bit cloudy.

Communication is challenged.
Sanity, order and respectful kindness
delve into swirling unreliable thoughts
without disturbing too much of the muck.

Thoughts that should not be disturbed 
threaten to eddy into a vortex filled
with muddied voices and hum
pulling even stability inside.

A nugget of humanity glows faintly, faintly
in hearts dulled by years of abuse whether 
alcohol or drugs, 
physical or mental
emotional or spiritual.....or maybe all.

“You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; 
if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.”
~ Mahatma Gandhi

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