
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Sampling Cloudy Communications

Bouncing here and there.
Words staccato, head jerkily bobbing
Speaker wordily throwing sounds that flit like humming birds hoping to find worthy flowers.


Eyes locked soul to soul bridging electric space
words rising and falling riding the current connection
arms waving hands intently shaping idea and story.


Tense. Wordless. 
Eyes dart away.  Avoid contact.
Sparks jump from blue to brown crashing mightily in midair.
Air thick and heavy - lightening strikes threaten from an invisible horizon.
A knock on the door or a ringing phone.
Frosty build up thaws below frozen eyes.
Conversation shifts.


One sided conversations makes hearing, listening difficult 
when words carom through the air.
Listener reaching and straining to catch a stream of consciousness
trying to make sense of disjointed phrases.

“Body language is a very powerful tool. We had body language 
before we had speech, and apparently, 80% of what you understand 
in a conversation is read through the body, not the words.”
~ Deborah Bull

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