
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Today's Treats

One day out of three
paths divergent and invisible to each other ~ 
but still with attention to food
To begin ~
breakfast at Avalon and cruising Antique Row on Fort Street
then off on our different paths
lunch with an old and dear friend
an appointment to keep
roaming the country side for pictures and treasures
home once more with
rocking chairs and fireside chats
fixing my writing desk - an extra treat from my brother-in-law
then bundled for Victoria moist cold, off on foot (a whole block) ~ 
Prima Strata Pizzeria our goal
our pizzas spun, topped and baked in a wood fire oven
delicious supper to wind down the day!
Now, after cookies and ice cream, it’s time to write, read and rock..................sigh........

I like to eat right and in moderation, but give
myself treats and kind of have everything.”
~ Kate Walsh

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