
Thursday, September 25, 2014

Developing Recovery - A Challenge

Developing a recovery principle and protocols for nurses to follow for withdrawal management should seem to be simple. Especially when I said on yesterday’s blog that detox addictions nursing is a most basic form of nursing care. However, I also said that detox addictions nursing care is also exceedingly challenging. Many folks may believe that this is related to the very extreme personalities and behaviours that come through the doors of any addiction care facility. I have not found this to be the most challenging.

What I have learned and am learning is that nurses and other health care workers are working in an area of brain trauma created by chemicals and other varieties of traumas from childhood abuses to severe illness, experiences in war zones, assaults or motor vehicle accidents in adolescence or adulthood. There has been malnutrition or neglect purely due to poverty states. Despite the reason to move forward in recovery, the foundation can be laid and supported in the time of withdrawal and detox as the neurochemistry and neurobiology is righting itself. As I continue reading about and listening to information about neurobiology and neuroscience, I am continually challenged by the dark interior of our brains.

“After all, when a stone is dropped into a pond, the water continues 
quivering even after the stone has sunk to the bottom.”
~ Arthur Golden, Memoirs of a Geisha

Author's Note: Edited December 28, 2023

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